Monday, February 8, 2010

6 Strategies for Stopping Sugar Cravings.

6 Strategies for Stopping Sugar Cravings:

• Eat regularly. Avoid skipping meals or starving yourself. Include planned,
healthy snacks into your eating plan. Sugar cravings get more intense
when you’re over-hungry.

• Eat more complex carbohydrates, especially high fiber, whole grain
products. Minimize simple sugars and refined products. Cakes, cookies,
sweets, white rice, white bread, and white pasta may cause an “insulin
reaction” which makes you feel sluggish and crave more sugar.

• Include a good source of protein and/or healthy fat with each meal.
Protein and fat are digested more slowly and give satiety to meals.

• Cut back on caffeine. Caffeine wreaks havok with blood sugar levels,
increasing the chance of overeating later.

• Focus on flavor to satisfy your senses without overeating.

◊ Try one of these fabulous flavor boosters: roasted red or yellow
peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh ginger, balsamic or rice wine
vinegar, lemon or orange zest, fresh herbs, crushed red pepper
flakes or tabasco sauce, fresh mint or cilantro, salsa.

◊ Know which flavors turn you on. Think about the tastes, smells, and
textures of food that are most appealing to you. Then, incorporate
a low fat alternative into your everyday eating plan.

◊ Stop periodically during a meal and ask yourself if you are truly
enjoying the food you are eating? Is the food worthy of your taste

◊ Create a flavor-savoring mood at mealtimes. Set the table in style.
Arrange the plate attractively. Light candles.

• Break old patterns. Practice stress reduction techniques to avoid turning
to sugary foods for comfort.

• Legalize all foods. When sweets are strictly forbidden, you end up
craving them more and often bingeing on them later. Enjoy a small
dessert when you truly crave it. Eat it slowly and savor it without guilt!

Created by Sheri Barke, MPH, RD
UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center, 2002

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