Friday, January 21, 2011

Self Motivation is Key

 Have you ever had to rely on someone else for motivation?  I think everyone has had to at some point or another.  I want to tell you about something I have learned.  Having self-motivation  is vital in your success. 

Am I saying that if you don’t have that extra push that you won’t be successful?  Not at all.  What will happen is eventually you will have your own motivation and won’t need someone there to push you at all times.  By the way this doesn’t just apply to fitness.  This can apply to anything that has a goal to it.

What brought me to this?  Well, a few things.  For one, I realized myself that when it comes to my goals nobody is more responsible for them than myself.  

Second, I got a chance to hear one of my mentors say, “If someone has to motivate you, you’ll probably fail.”  Ya know what my first thoughts were when I heard this?  Ouch!  That’s a bit harsh don’t ya think?  But no, he was right.  Think about it, when you have someone that is there to , for example, be your gym buddy.  Well that person will not always be able to go with you.  Maybe they have a family emergency, or just don’t feel like going.  Has that ever stopped you from going b/c your gym buddy didn’t?  If you said yes, then you may lack self-motivation.  

Self motivation isn’t going to come over night.  Take small steps.  Keep reminding yourself that YOU are responsible for accomplishing your goals in life.  That YOU are the only person that can let YOU down.  

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