Saturday, July 24, 2010


That's what I'm telling myself here.  I know it's been a long time since I wrote here.  I have been rather busy but that's NO EXCUSE on my part.  So what's been going on?  Well I no longer live in NC where my husband was stationed.  My husband has been stationed in Nashville TN starting in late September.  Lucky for us, Nashville is pretty much our home town.  So we are moving back home.  My husband is still in NC till the end of August.  I however moved back to go ahead and get the house settled and the kids registered for school.  So far, so good. 

Now, onto my newest and favorite workout.  Turbo Fire!  Last time I wrote Turbo Fire hadn't been released yet.  Well now it has!  I have already been doing the program since July 1st.  Already down a few pounds, couple of inches off waist gone, 1 inch off thighs gone, gained an inch in bicep and so on and so on.  Soooo happy to now have this program in my life, and I'm not finished with it yet.  If anyone however is interested in getting this program FREE I am hosting a contest for it here:!/event.php?eid=132876100083857 
 It's so much fun, that I look forward to my workouts.  It's also a quick workout most of the time.  No looong, grueling hours of boooring working out.

So that's where I am at right now.  My Independent Beachbody business is booming in ways I actually never thought it would.  I'm applying the work, which is more fun than work, and things are going great.  I've had a pay check every single week that me and my husband are using as fun money and I love it!  I LOVE getting paid just for getting in shape and helping others do the same through Beachbody.  I'll be attending the Nashville Summer of Success Tour in August, so if ya see me there feel free to say HI!  :o)

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