Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why I love what I do.

I'm not going to lie.  I LOVE working from home.  Being a Beachbody Coach gives me that freedom.  I cannot begin to explain to you how skeptical I was first coming into this business.  I had been using Beachbody's programs since 2006.  I never even knew they had a business opportunity till last year.  (It's only around 2 -3 years old though anyway)  When I first heard about it I spent many hours online here and there researching the Beachbody Business opportunity.  I mean ya had to pay $39 to sign up, didn't want to waste my money.  lol Well in just a few short months, the $39 had turned into $1000.  Does that make me rich?  Heck no!  Does that make me $1000 richer than I already was?  Oh yeah!  It's growing weekly from there as well.

I totally understand where people come from being skeptical.  I was the same way.  In all honesty though, I could never be an Avon, Mary Kay, or other Rep.  I don't really believe in their products like I do Beachbody's.  I have used Beachbody's programs and products and I'm still down 81 pounds (In all).  I've still been able to keep it off since 2006.  And I'm STILL thriving to improve myself daily.  They work!  I mean sure if you purchase them and they sit on a DVD shelf, then no way will they work collecting dust.  Beachbody gives you the tools and designs the program to work.  You just have to PUSH PLAY!  And that's it, follow it as planned and you can't lose.  Other than weight of course. 

So sure I had to pay $39 to start up, and $14 a month for my websites and store.  But I've already got that back plus more.  So no biggie.  I mean, any job where you have to wear a uniform, or scrubs, you get a stain on them and you'll be buying a new pair.  They may give you the first set, but after that, on your own.  Plus gas to get to and from work.

Another reason I love what I do, not only for staying in shape, but I LOVE to see that look and happiness in someone else that has just dropped 10 pounds by using a Beachbody Program or Product.  Also, ya know those annoying parties ya have to throw with some other at home businesses?  Yeah not with Beachbody, unless you just want too.  No inventory, unless you want too.  No taking payments of any kind, again, unless you want too.  And no handling shipping.  Gosh I love it.  I have all the tools, logos, videos, and anything you can imagine in my back office to help me.  PLUS I have my personal Coach and Team of Platinum Presenters to help me along the way.  (Platinum Presenters is a group of very successful Beachbody Coaches that help one another be more successful.  If anyone is part of my team, then they are also a  Platinum Presenter)

If you are ever interested in this opportunity, all you have to do is contact me at my site: www.FitWithChelle.com

In all seriousness, I can show you, and tell you how you can do the same.   I love not having to leave the house to get paid weekly, to be here with my kids, to get Fit!  :o)

P.S. I forgot to add, as a Coach, If you don't make money in the first 30 days, guess what?  REFUND!  ;oP

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