Monday, November 30, 2009

PSA for Today!

So picture it: You're sitting in your recliner. You're rocking back and forth. You have a 2 year old grandson at your feet playing with his Hot Wheel Cars on the floor. Oh how you desperately want to get down there and play cars with him but your body just won't let you do it. If you were to get on the floor you feel you would never be able to get back up w/o someone's help. Let's face it, from the time we are born we age. Starting now with a good workout routine will help to slow down the effects of aging on our body.

Studies have shown that daily exercise can:

Decrease your chances for Heart Disease later in life.
Help prevent Cancer.
Keep your bones and muscles strong.
Help provide better circulation.
Help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Help Prevent Diabetes
Prevent Common Colds.

Don't be the old woman/man in the recliner that can't get out of it. You may think you have plenty of time before old age hits, but it's never to early to start. So stay healthy for your children and grandchildren, maybe even your great grandchildren.

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