Thursday, December 10, 2009


So guess what? I gained weight. Yep. I've done so good too the past 3 years. I've only gained around 5 pounds which should be easy to take off. I'm pretty sure I know why I gained. See I just got back from my home state in TN. My beloved Grandmother passed away last week and I went to her funeral. I've been a bit of an emotional wreck. I loved my Grandmother very much and was VERY sad to see her go. So I'm not going to lie, I ate my feelings when I was in TN. I didn't care what I was eating. So now I will be starting over a bit in my weight loss. But hey, it was only 5 pounds, it could have been a heck of a lot worse right? So now I am off to do an hour of Turbo Kick and then some Chalean Extreme. RIP Grandmother I love you sooooooo much and I'll miss you. :(

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