Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I can't afford Shakeology!

Yep, I hear it all the time.  "It's just too expensive."  "It's how much?!"  "No way am I buying that."

Guess what?  I even thought the same way.  But I'll tell you something, if you sit down and really look at what you are buying at the grocery store I guarantee you can afford it.  

"I want to lose weight, but I can't afford too."  I hear this one ALL the time too.  You CAN afford to lose weight you just may not be looking in the right places. 

Think of it this way.  What is on your shopping list every week?  Or better yet, what is not on your shopping list that you grab while you are at the grocery store?  Chips?  Cake? Soda? Boxed freezer meals?  Pizza?  Popsicles? 

If you answered yes and you are trying to lose weight then you aren't going to lose weight eating these foods on a daily basis.  How much does a bag of chips cost?  Let's take Doritos Cool Ranch: $3.79 Let's say you buy 4 bags in a month.  That's $15.16 a month.  What next, cans of soda. (Prices may vary store to store I realize this, prices are found from Google Search)  A 12 pack of Coca Cola can cost $5.99.  Let's say you drink a good amount of coke and buy 4 packs a month.  That's  $23.96 a month.  So for just the Doritos and Coke we are at a total of $39.12.  Ok, Moving on.  What else did we say?  Oh, Boxed freezer meals!  Let's see.  Usually people really stock up on these.  From Hot Pockets, to tv dinner meals, to small pizzas, etc.  Let's start with Hot Pockets.  A "4-meat and cheese" box of Hot Pockets is $3.51.  Again, just for fun let's say you buy 4 of these boxes a month.  That's $14.04.  So now we are at a total of $53.16.  Now onto America's favorite!  Boxed Pizza.  Let's say every Friday you like to throw a pizza in the oven.  A DiGiorno 4-cheese pizza is $9.45.  So 4 times a month is $37.80.  So now we are at a total of $90.96.  I completly forgot, but a lot of people like to buy cookies.  So for example let's take oreos.  Say you buy 4 bags of oreos a month.  No I take that back let's say just 3 bags.  (I hope you aren't buying 4 bags a month at least)  3 bags of Oreos can run you $11.17.  (3.99 a bag) So now we are at $102.93.  Now, onto tv dinners.  Let's use Hungry Man dinners for example.  Let's say you are on the go a lot and eat 5 a week.  For 2 weeks that's 10 dinners.  A Hungry Man dinner can cost $3-$4.  Let's say $3.  That's $30 for 10 dinners.  (Some people may even eat more than that in a month)  So now we are at $132.93.

$132.93! That's a month of foods that do not need to be eaten on a regular basis.  Shakeology cost $119.00 a month.
That's $4 a serving.  You can replace one meal a day, say for example lunch, and cut out all the above junk foods and still afford Shakeology.  If you were a Beachbody Coach you would just pay $89 a month for Shakeology saving you even more!

So I challenge you to take a look at what you buy at the grocery store.  See what you can cut out of your diet that is causing you to gain weight.  Take hold of the reins of your life and make a change.  Trust me, I know from personal experience that you will be a happier person in the long run.  :o)


To learn more about Shakeology and what it can do for you click below.

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