Saturday, August 7, 2010

I hear it ALL the time. I'm sure you do too.

"I don't have time to workout!"  Is the one sentence that people love to use.  I understand that people are busy.  Busy careers, school full time, kids running around, a house to clean, etc.  Know how I know?  I used the same excuse once.  All it takes is a little planning.  For some people waking up early and getting their exercise in first works.  For some it's squeezing it in right before bed time.  Or maybe on their lunch break.  There is no perfect time to workout.  YOU have to find what works for you.  Once you find it you have to stick to it.  If someone tries to disturb your workout time, politely explain to them how important it is that you get your workouts in.  They may not understand.  But you know that you do. 

So now I have another point that kind of goes a long with the first point because I get this a lot too. 

"You stay at home so you have all the time in the world to workout." 
WRONG!  I have a busy day too.  Maybe not as busy as some.  But I still plan my workouts.  I still have kids to raise, errands to run, a house to clean, pets to take care of, my Beachbody Business and more.

In fact it's harder for me to maintain and lose my weight I believe.   I'll tell ya why.  When I get up, sometimes I schedule my workouts first, sometimes later on.  But as soon as I get up I go head and clean my house and get the kids up and ready for school and make them breakfast.  After that I can workout if I haven't already.  I can run my errands if need be and work on my business.  Then get supper ready to be put on the table.  After all that is done I then have to keep myself busy otherwise my mind wanders and I start to think about grabbing foods I don't need to eat.  Or I think maybe I'll want to watch some tv and sit down for a bit, when I don't need too.  If I had an 8 hour job where I was on my feet all day PLUS having to deal with my workouts, house cleaning, supper, errand running, kids, and more then to me, it would be easier to stay on top of my weight.  When we aren't distracted sometimes is when we fall off the horse.  If I end up sitting down watching tv, or eat something my body doesn't need, that's when I gain weight.  I have to stay moving, and there is only so many times I can clean my house, after that I have to come up with other ways to stay moving.  So to me, in my opinion, is why it can be harder for those that do stay home with kids, stay home in general, or work from home.

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