Friday, August 6, 2010

Just say NO!

Okay.  Here we go!  I've been living in TN for a couple of months now.  TN is where ALL my family live.  I have not seen some of my family in a very long time due to living in other states the past nine years.  So they are REALLY excited to have us back home.  So excited that they want to take us out to eat all the time.  At first I let them.  We have gone to Chilli's, IHOP, numerous Mexican restaurants, fast food, and more.  It's so easy to fall of the horse when you don't put your foot down and say NO!  Okay, maybe not yell it, but politely decline.  This is what I have had to do.  I keep getting asked to go out to eat with family.  Even some of the healthy meals on the menu aren't so healthy.  Some people just think that they are.  Most salads at sit down restaurants have over 800 calories in them.  800!  So from this point on I am politely declining the invitations to go out to eat.  I will cook at home where I know what goes into my food.  I will only go out to eat on occasions.  I will also stick to my workout routine with Turbo Fire daily.  I may hurt someone's feelings when I decline an offer, but that is me thinking of my health and my kids health.  If we don't have our health we have nothing.  Without our health we wouldn't be there to go out to eat on occasions. 

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