Friday, January 22, 2010

Weight Loss - It's All In Your Head

I LOVE this article because it is soooo true!

BY: Kathryn Soloff

Here is a simple truth: We constantly think about changing our lives.
For some of us it is our job, finding someone to love or giving up smoking.
For many people it is about losing weight. We think about these things
and yet never do them.

For many people who are overweight, they are always thinking about it
or trying something new. Yet, a significant amount of them do not lose
weight, or keep it off. They almost never get into shape.

There is a myriad number of excuses for the weight loss merry-go-round.
We waste time, we start and stop, we procrastinate, we lie and make excuses,
we get frustrated and complain and in general, make ourselves miserable.
Successful weight loss is much more than dieting and exercise. Actually,
losing weight and improving our health is as much, if not more, an internal
process than it is an external process.

If you can successfully reprogram yourself, everything else will simply fall
into place.

Most experts concentrate on teaching us about diet and exercise. If it were
that simple then the success rate would be much higher. It is very easy to
impart information to people. Getting them to do these things consistently
is the problem. Our conditions come down to two things. The first is the
decisions that we make. The second is the things that we do (or the things
that we don't do). When we view the problem in this manner it is easy
to deduce that losing weight and getting into shape is more about our minds
than our diet and exercise programs.

If you wish to create a permanent change in any aspect of your life, including
weight loss, you have to have a significant change in your mind.
Here are some ways to approach getting the most out of your weight loss efforts.
There is a very real relationship between your attitude and the outcome. Enter
your weight loss regimen with the best possible attitude. Transforming yourself
is more about attitude and commitment than it is about finding the right diet or
exercise program. Having the right frame of mind equates with a positive outcome.
It is unbelievable how many people sabotage themselves with a poor attitude.
Typically they whine, complain, rationalize and procrastinate. Of course,
they end up where they started. Conversely, many are successful and maintain
their results simply because they manage to get their head into the right place.
Also, once you lose weight you obviously wish to keep it off. This is a lifetime
program, not an event. It is not uncommon for people to devote their efforts to
losing weight for a specific event. The problem with this is they gain it all back,
and then some. Maintaining your weight is a lifetime goal.

Make up your mind. Come face to face with the tough decisions that you have
avoided all this time. Instead of focusing on this weeks diet or joining a gym,
consider implements a series of healthy lifestyle changes. Break your bad habits
by creating and replacing them with good habits.

Finish what you start. Every single day, thousands, if not millions of people begin
programs that they will never maintain. They start a new diet, but cheat. They
join a health club but do not go regularly. Maybe they start running and quit within
the week. Do not be one of them. Be realistic and sensible. Do not try to undo
years of bad habits by next week.

Do not procrastinate. The right time never comes. Do not make excuses. If you
want something bad enough you will find a way to do it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fit Test: Second Time

I Improved!

These were my results for the first time I took the Fit Test and then the second time:

1. Switch Kicks-50 1st time Second time-55

2. Power Jacks-56 Second time-60

3. Power Knees-91 Second Time-109

4. Power Jumps-46 Second Time-51

5. Globe Jumps-6 Second Time-10

6. Suiicide Jumps-17 Second Time-22

7. Push-up Jacks 14 Second Time-20

8. Low Plank Oblique 23 Second Time-47

Some places I improved a lot, and other places just a little. But EVERY single move I improved on. I love INSANITY!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Review!

Note: This is just my personal opinion on the non-Beachbody workout I do.

Today's workout I did was SELF:Bikini Ready Fast. This promises to give me a bikini ready body with fast results I take it.

30 mins long. Needed 2-5 pound weights. The DVD gives you tips in the beginning and does let you know what you will need, such as the weights. The warm-up is very lengthy, and boring. Once the workout begins you use the weights for the majority of the workout. There was a lot of upper body work done. And I do mean A LOT! I feel like my core and lower body accomplished nothing. Which I think is weird to have workout called Bikini Ready Fast and not focus on the core and legs he most. Isn't that what most of us want to look the best?

I actually think this workout should have been named an upper body workout. Once the cardio part actually starts it is very slow and boring. The same move (pretty much side to side) is done over and over and over again. All and all someone very new to fitness might benefit from this workout. However, if you wanted something to get you *Bikini Ready* you'd have to do something a bit tougher probably than what this had to offer.

I also looked up other SELF workout DVD's cause I figured there was more. I found 4 others on If you were to purchase all 5 SELF DVD's from Amazon you'd pay $53.95 plus shipping and all that good stuff. That's just for DVD's. No, online support, no guides, no nutrition guides, no gifts like what Beachbody offers. Plus you would have to purchase seperatly which ever pound weights you wanted to use in the SELF workout.

If I had to take my pick between the entire SELF set and, let's say, a Turbo Jam set from Beachbody, I'd still stick with Beachbody. At least with Turbo Jam, I'd get the support, food and fitness guides, more workouts and the sculpting gloves.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Home Direct.

Beachbody offers many supplements that you can receive through the Home Direct Program.

Team Beachbody offers a Home Direct program by which you may purchase a product and choose to have that product sent directly to you on a periodic basis (every 30, 60 or 90 days depending upon the item purchased). These future shipments and services will be charged to the same credit card that was used for your initial purchase of the item(s).

I just wanted to write about this so that if you are purchasing a supplement and see the HD next to a product that means Home Direct is available for that product. You also have the option to not use Home Direct. As seen in the pic below. (Click Pic to make bigger)

Monday Review!

I have already done my Insanity workout for the day. Today was Pure Cardio.

After finishing up Pure Cardio I thought every Monday I would do a review.

I want to review some other home workout DVD's and see just how they stack up against Beachbody's workouts.

Today I did the 10 Minute Solution: Kickbox Bootcamp. This DVD consists of 5 10 minute kickbox related workouts.

I started out with the first, 'Basic Training'. Only 10 minutes long it teaches you the basic moves in kickboxing. It is supposed to prepare you for what is ahead. I think this workout would be great for a begginer.

(However I did not find any of the 5 workouts on this DVD very challenging, a few moves were slightly.)

The Second 10 minute workout is lower body. The moves in this workout are an effective way to tone the lower body. But I found it rather boring to do.

The third workout was arms and shoulders. The instructor uses hand weights, there is no mention though on what size weight to use.

Fat Burning Blast was the only 10 minute workout I found slightly challenging. It involved, Burpees, push ups, plank, floor jacks and a few more. However, again, I was bored.

The last workout was abs. Some basic crunches involved, along with plank and side planks. Which are good ways to strengthen the core.

I never noticed in any of the workouts the instructor mention any intensity. It all seemed to be low intensity. Which is great for a beginner, I did not feel challenged though.

To wrap it up, in my opinion, this workout was very boring. No interesting music, moves were basic and not very challenging. There was only one person in the DVD and that was the instructor. In order for me to have made it effective I would have had to do the entire 5 workouts at once instead of breaking them up for just 10 minutes a day. The instructor mentioned burning lots of calories at the end of one of the workouts, I feel like I barely burned any. :/

I will definitely stick with doing Turbo Jam for a fun, calorie burning workout when it comes to kickboxing! :o)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Organize your life.

Organization can be a tool used to help motivate you to do your workouts.
When ya get up in the morning write down some things you need to get done. For me, my house cleaning is the first thing I do. Either before I get the kids to school, or as soon as I get back from dropping them off. I spend anywhere from 15 mins to 30 mins picking up the house, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming or whatever needs done. I also put on my workout clothing first thing when I pop out of bed. This helps motivate me that I need to workout. Also it's so much more comfortable to do my house cleaning and of course workouts in.

Once you have the cleaning or other chores you have to do done then you can focus on getting on with a workout and give all your attention and effort to it without your mind wandering on what you may have to do after your workout.

For me I do all the above, workout, then if I want a few hours later I can workout again if I want because I have everything else done.

So get things in order, organize your life. Spend an entire weekend organizing your house and getting rid of unwanted items. Put everything in it's place. You'll even burn lots of calories! You'd be amazed how much stress you can take off yourself knowing you have everything accomplished. :)