Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Review!

I have already done my Insanity workout for the day. Today was Pure Cardio.

After finishing up Pure Cardio I thought every Monday I would do a review.

I want to review some other home workout DVD's and see just how they stack up against Beachbody's workouts.

Today I did the 10 Minute Solution: Kickbox Bootcamp. This DVD consists of 5 10 minute kickbox related workouts.

I started out with the first, 'Basic Training'. Only 10 minutes long it teaches you the basic moves in kickboxing. It is supposed to prepare you for what is ahead. I think this workout would be great for a begginer.

(However I did not find any of the 5 workouts on this DVD very challenging, a few moves were slightly.)

The Second 10 minute workout is lower body. The moves in this workout are an effective way to tone the lower body. But I found it rather boring to do.

The third workout was arms and shoulders. The instructor uses hand weights, there is no mention though on what size weight to use.

Fat Burning Blast was the only 10 minute workout I found slightly challenging. It involved, Burpees, push ups, plank, floor jacks and a few more. However, again, I was bored.

The last workout was abs. Some basic crunches involved, along with plank and side planks. Which are good ways to strengthen the core.

I never noticed in any of the workouts the instructor mention any intensity. It all seemed to be low intensity. Which is great for a beginner, I did not feel challenged though.

To wrap it up, in my opinion, this workout was very boring. No interesting music, moves were basic and not very challenging. There was only one person in the DVD and that was the instructor. In order for me to have made it effective I would have had to do the entire 5 workouts at once instead of breaking them up for just 10 minutes a day. The instructor mentioned burning lots of calories at the end of one of the workouts, I feel like I barely burned any. :/

I will definitely stick with doing Turbo Jam for a fun, calorie burning workout when it comes to kickboxing! :o)

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