Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Review!

Note: This is just my personal opinion on the non-Beachbody workout I do.

Today's workout I did was SELF:Bikini Ready Fast. This promises to give me a bikini ready body with fast results I take it.

30 mins long. Needed 2-5 pound weights. The DVD gives you tips in the beginning and does let you know what you will need, such as the weights. The warm-up is very lengthy, and boring. Once the workout begins you use the weights for the majority of the workout. There was a lot of upper body work done. And I do mean A LOT! I feel like my core and lower body accomplished nothing. Which I think is weird to have workout called Bikini Ready Fast and not focus on the core and legs he most. Isn't that what most of us want to look the best?

I actually think this workout should have been named an upper body workout. Once the cardio part actually starts it is very slow and boring. The same move (pretty much side to side) is done over and over and over again. All and all someone very new to fitness might benefit from this workout. However, if you wanted something to get you *Bikini Ready* you'd have to do something a bit tougher probably than what this had to offer.

I also looked up other SELF workout DVD's cause I figured there was more. I found 4 others on If you were to purchase all 5 SELF DVD's from Amazon you'd pay $53.95 plus shipping and all that good stuff. That's just for DVD's. No, online support, no guides, no nutrition guides, no gifts like what Beachbody offers. Plus you would have to purchase seperatly which ever pound weights you wanted to use in the SELF workout.

If I had to take my pick between the entire SELF set and, let's say, a Turbo Jam set from Beachbody, I'd still stick with Beachbody. At least with Turbo Jam, I'd get the support, food and fitness guides, more workouts and the sculpting gloves.

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