Thursday, May 13, 2010

My short little story.

Thought I would take a second and explain why I became a Beachbody Coach. At my heaviest weight I was around 218. Even in school I was on the overweight side. I got married 8 years ago to my husband and we have 2 children. Of course having children didn't help me with my weight problem. I tried all kinds of diets, diet pills. I tried going to the gym and doing cardio machines. It was all so boring to me and I never would stick with it. Before I decided to go to the gym though I made every excuse in the book for my weight, I blamed my birth control, I blamed that I didn't have time, I blamed my knees thinking I had bad knees.  Want to know why my knees hurt?  Cause I was overweight!  Once the weight was gone, so was the knee pain. 

Three years ago I was watching tv around 3 am. My husband was deployed overseas at the time so I had many sleepless nights. All of a sudden i flip across an infomercial with this blonde chic bouncing around yelling and punching. It was Chalene Johnson and her commercial for Turbo Jam. I thought to myself that looks like SO much fun! So I immediately ordered it. It came in the mail a few days later and I started the workout program.

I was hooked. It was so much fun that I wanted more. I was so hooked I did a few of the workouts 2 and 3 times a day. I then went back to Beachbody and seen that there was other Turbo Jam sets that I could purchase. (This was before there was Coaches) So of course I purchased them .

Within 3 months I had dropped so much weight that when my husband stepped off the bus after his deployment he didn't even recognize me. He literally walked right past me and I had to yell his name to get him to turn around.

Over the next 3 years I have done Hip Hop Abs, Chalean Extreme, Rockin' Body, P90X, Insanity and other Beachbody Programs. I have not once gained my weight back. ALL of the programs are so much fun and motivating that this is now my fabulous new lifestyle!

I became a Coach because I truly believe in Beachbody's workout programs and products. I want to help other people who think that there is no hope for them with their weight loss. I'm here to prove that with Beachbody and personal Coaching there is Hope!

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