Monday, May 3, 2010

So check it out...

One of the NEWEST workouts coming from Beachbody is Turbo Fire! Will be here by the end of June! As a Beachbody Coach I can get it 2 weeks before public release. Sign up as a Coach and you can get it too and get paid! Check it out here:

So to get ready for Turbo Fire I have decided to start another round of INSANITY. By the time I am finished with it in 60 days Turbo Fire will be here and I'll be ready for it! If you don't know what INSANITY is check it out here:

To get INSANITY click the banner below:

I finished up Plyometric Cardio Circuit a little while ago. Half way through I was wishing I would have recorded myself doing it. But as I follow the program I will from now on record my workouts so you can see first hand the program. :o)

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