Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse!

Are you about to start a new Beachbody Fitness Program?
JUMP start that program by following the Shakeology 3 day cleanse!

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake designed to be enjoyed every day, one meal a day. But for this cleanse, it will be used three times a day for three days.

(Click Here for Shakeology Nutrition Facts and info.)

Shakeology 3 day cleanse is designed to break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way. The key is caloric efficiency; getting the most nutrients possible out of the fewest number of calories.

The Shakeology cleanse is a calorie restricted nutrient dense eating plan that lasts for 3 days. The Shakeology Cleanse should not be used for longer than 3 days or in the middle of you workout program. You should do a Shakeology Cleanse either on your recovery week or prior to starting your new fitness program. The goal here is not to lose weight even though it will probably occur but to get your body running more efficiently. You will be eating (drinking) frequently and consuming between 800 -1200 calories a day

You'll get GREAT results!

How to follow:
3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day (blended with water and ice)
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is good choice)
1 piece of fruit a day (Apple, pear, orange, banana, mango, etc)
1 salad for dinner (lettuce, veggies, lean protein)
*4 oz lean protein in salad (WHITE poultry or fish)
*Only Low Fat Dressings.

NO: Dairy (no almond, soy, or rice milk) or extra sugars.


Wake Up:

1 cup of Green Tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
Optional: ½ cup of fruit (only for the super conditioned – not the weight challenged)

1 piece of fruit

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
(This snack can be before or after dinner)

*4 oz lean protein (WHITE fish or poultry)
*Light Dressing

Positive Results

*Weight Loss

*Reduced belly bloat

*Renewed energy

*Break through plateau, boost metabolism

Possible Negative Results to be Aware of:

*Headaches or light-headedness

*Lack of energy


*No weight loss

*Measure inches instead

*Preparing your body for weight loss

If you need to modify the cleanse feel free to add a light healthy snack.

Can I still do my workouts during the Shakeology Cleanse?

*It will be different for everyone but light to moderate exercise should be fine

*You will have less energy than usual so the best time would be during a recovery week of prior to starting your program

*Try not to do the cleanse in the middle of P90X or Insanity

How do you get Shakeology?

You can get Shakeology from Beachbody Coaches like myself. Visit or

Monday, April 26, 2010

For soon to be Mommies!

Check out Yoga Booty Ballet Baby on the way.

A Healthy You for a Healthy Baby

Studies have increasingly shown the importance of a regular fitness routine during pregnancy. Not only is it good for your heart and muscles, but it can help relieve some of the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, like morning sickness, aching back, fatigue, and constipation. Some studies have even shown that being in good shape can reduce your time in labor. It can also help with weight control, so that you can keep in shape without depriving your baby of nutrition.

Yoga Booty Ballet's Teigh McDonough recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy. During her pregnancy, she used her years of fitness training and expertise to develop Baby On the Way, a workout designed specifically for expectant mothers. Using gentle, effective techniques, including yoga and stretching, Teigh helps mothers-to-be prepare their bodies and minds for the amazing experience to come.

Click the above picture for YBB Baby on the way!

WARNING: You must consult your doctor before performing this or any other workout routine. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone, and some may result in injury. Any person performing this workout assumes all responsibility or liability for any ill effects resulting from any exercises suggested. The advice and trainer instructions are in no way intended to replace or substitute medical counseling. The creators, producers, and distributors of this workout in no way assume any liability in connection with the exercises or advice given.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5 Simple Rules for Eating Sugar!

By Denis Faye
Few topics boggle dieters and fitness enthusiasts the way sugar does. Is this simple carbohydrate the key to unlocking elite sports performance? Or is it the chains that drag our country deeper into the obesity epidemic? Annoyingly, the answer is both. But before you throw your hands up in frustration and grab yourself a Twinkie®, let's take a minute to talk about sugar. It's not as complex as it seems. In fact, with just a few guidelines, it's incredibly easy to use these simple carbohydrates for good instead of evil.

Rule #1: Just say "know."

Here's a grossly oversimplified look at how sugar, also known as simple carbohydrates, works. Just as with all carbs, you eat sugar and it's absorbed by your blood, where, if you have the right amount of it, the insulin in your system converts the sugar to energy. However, if you introduce too much sugar into your system, the insulin stores it as body fat. A little stored body fat is fine; the body likes some emergency fuel. However, if your blood sugar spikes too often and the insulin has to work too hard converting fat, this can lead to a variety of health issues, including type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

As we'll discuss later, when your body obtains sugar from natural sources, like fruits and veggies, the process tends to be checked by fiber, which slows absorption. However, when you eat foods with added sugar, this can overwhelm the usual checks and balances, causing problems like those nasty blood sugar spikes. To make matters worse, consuming too much added sugar can cause a host of other problems, including tooth decay, increased triglycerides (or stored fat), and malnutrition (from overconsumption of foods filled with empty calories and deficient in nutrients).

If you wanted one overarching rule to work from, you might choose to avoid added sugars entirely. You'll get all the energy you need from foods with naturally occurring sugar. That said, there are times when refined sugar is okay or even beneficial. If you're able to build yourself a lifestyle completely free of added sugar, nice work. But for the rest of us, the trick is moderation.

Rule #2: Less is more.

One teaspoon of table sugar has 15 calories. Honestly, if you have a couple of cups of tea or coffee in the morning and you dump the proverbial spoonful of sugar in each, that's 30 calories. If the rest of your diet is tight and you're active, it won't matter. If you're trying to lose weight and eating at a severe deficit, you'll probably want to skip those few spoonfuls of sugar, because table sugar is nutritionally void and you want every calorie to count nutritionally. Other than that, though, life's short—enjoy your java.

Rule #3: High fructose corn syrup is the enemy . . .

In a recent study out of Princeton University, two groups of rats were fed a sucrose solution and a high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) solution. The rats that consumed the corn syrup got fatter. "Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity," said study leader Bart Hoebel, "but our results make it clear that this just isn't true, at least under the conditions of our tests."

There are a few possible explanations for this. One is that the ratio of fructose to glucose in HFCS is slightly higher. Another is that in the HFCS manufacturing process, fructose molecules are free and unbound, making them easier to absorb. The fructose in table sugar is bonded to the glucose, which means it requires an extra step to be used.1

Rule #3.5: . . . and it's hiding behind every corner.

And you thought Invasion of the Body Snatchers was creepy . . . Avoiding the obvious sweetened foods like soda, cake, cookies, and pies is only half the battle. Manufacturers add HFCS (as well as other sugars) to a mind-boggling amount of foods because it adds flavor. If

it's in a bottle, box, or can, read the ingredients. You'll find sweeteners in everything from ketchup to peanut butter to bread to salad dressing. With a little effort, you can usually find versions of the same food with no added sugars or HFCS that are more nutritious and taste just as good.

Rule #4: No, the sugar in fruit isn't bad for you.

When the low-carb "revolution" hit in the early aughts, fruit was demonized for its sugar content. This is, in a word, ridiculous. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar, but it's also usually loaded with fiber, which slows sugar absorption, making it an ideal way to get your simple carbs without straining your little insulin buddies. Fruit is also loaded with easy-to-absorb vitamins and minerals. Most fruit is also filled with water, yet

another benefit.

Even relatively low-fiber fruits like bananas offer far too many benefits to deny. Bananas, in particular, are rich in electrolytes, which are crucial to sports performance. As I always say, I defy you to introduce me to an overweight person whose biggest indulgence is fruit.

You can think of the ingredients in Shakeology® the same way. Sure, there's a little sugar in there, but the protein and fiber slow absorption, and the massive amount of nutrients makes it all worthwhile.

Rule #5: Occasionally, a hit of straight sugar is a good thing.

You're sitting around watching television. You haven't done much today. Your glycogen stores are up, and because you've eaten normally, your blood sugar level is balanced. Time for some Results and Recovery Formula™? Probably not.

Conversely, you just blasted a killer workout. You've blown through your blood sugar and your glycogen, leaving you shaky and tired. Now, getting some sugar in there to recharge quickly wouldn't be such a bad idea. Furthermore, since it'll rush in so fast, it's a great opportunity to add some protein and micronutrients to that sugar blast, because they'll rush into where they're needed just as fast.

If you genuinely gave the workout your all and you're truly wiped out, you won't even come close to storing that sugar as fat.

So there you go. Not so tough, huh? With a little forethought and self-control, keeping an eye on your carbs can be, ahem, a piece of cake.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What's RevAbs you ask?

What is it?
RevAbs™ is an innovative new home workout program that combines cardio nand strength training with a unique form of ab work. It’s specifically designed to burn off the fat and give you a six-pack in just 90 days. With RevAbs, you work the abdominal muscles from six different angles for a smaller waist and toned midsection. Added interval-training techniques burn fat at the highest rate possible.

Why is it effective?
With creator Brett Hoebel’s Abcentrics method, you do full-body cardio and strength training in addition to ab work, but you “fire” your abs during every movement. That means you’re toning and tightening your abs the whole time. You get faster and more balanced results than you could from crunches alone, or from any “ab machine” on the market. RevAbs includes plenty of strength training and cardio intervals to boost your metabolism and scorch calories. You define your abs and get rid of fat to reveal a great-looking midsection.

Celebrity Trainer Brett Hoebel
Known to fans as “El Capitan” and “The Dues Collector,” Brett Hoebel is a sought-after fitness, strength, and nutrition expert in New York and Los Angeles, with a background in biomedical science and extensive training in martial arts. Brett has trained celebrities ranging from athletes to actresses and Victoria’s Secret models, as well as everyday people looking for weight loss and fitness. He was the co-host of Fit Family on the Discovery Health Channel, and has appeared on such shows as The View and Good Morning America. He also provides fitness advice to magazines, including Vogue, Allure, Elle, Shape, and Self.

How does Abcentrics work?
Abcentrics teaches you a simple yet powerful breathing technique that allows you to “fire” your abs during every movement. You’re strengthening your abs even while doing total-body exercises, so every workout is an ab workout. If you want a smaller waist and flat, welldefined
abs, you need to develop your entire midsection. That’s why RevAbs works your abdominals from six directions:
1. Upper flexion
2. Lower flexion
3. Double flexion
4. Side flexion
5. Twist
6. Extension

With this 360-degree approach, you can
work every angle to achieve balanced core
strength and incredible-looking abs.

Who can benefit?
People who want flat or 6-pack abs
People who are interested in losing weight while toning up
People who are bored with other workouts and want something new
People who want a short, efficient workout
People who need motivation to work out and get fit
People who are interested in martial arts or capoeira
People who want a workout that incorporates strength training

9 Workouts on 7 DVDs:
Nutrition Guide
RevAbs Wall Calendar
Rev It Up Cardio
Anytime, Anywhere Abs
Professional Fat Caliper
Plus FREE Online Support

Want it? Click Below. Or go to

Friday, April 9, 2010

Shakeology. What is it? What does it do?

What can it do for you?
Shakeology is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be. In an independent 90-day study,† participants who replaced at
least one meal per day experienced some amazing health benefits.Shakeology can help you:*
• Lose weight
• Reduce cravings
• Increase energy and stamina
• Promote healthy digestion and regularity

What’s in it?
Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. It’s good for you—and good for everyone—because everyone’s diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving:*
• Protein from whey, which is highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.
• Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.
• Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.
• Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties. Many phytonutrients have antioxidant properties as well.
• Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.
• Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health.

Why do people need Shakeology?
It’s hard to eat the recommended daily servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, especially with today’s busy lifestyles. Convenience foods, like packaged or fast food, are so processed that important nutrients have been destroyed. Shakeology helps provide what you’ve been missing, delivering a wide variety of nutrients from whole food sources to meet your body’s needs. Plus, each highly nutritious, low-calorie serving helps to keep you full and satisfied between meals.
How does it compare?
Many other products can give you a few of these nutrient groups, but as a breakthrough in nutrition, Shakeology provides them all in one shake!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Is it time to get Insane? I think it is!

Warning! This workout IS NOT for beginners!

What is it?
INSANITY® is a 60-day cardio-based total-body conditioning program that’s perhaps the most intense workout ever put on DVD. Fitness expert Shaun T drew on his collegiate track and field training plus his subsequent years of experience as an elite trainer to create a program that takes total-body conditioning to an extreme level. Just as P90X is the height of resistance training, so INSANITY is the pinnacle of cardio training.

What can it do for you?
INSANITY pushes you beyond what you thought was possible with explosive cardio and plyometric drills and non-stop intervals of strength, power and resistance. Additional ab and core training techniques will get you amazing results in just 60 days.

Why is it effective?
Interval training allows you to beat the “stress adaptation response,” which is what happens when your body gets used to exercising at one level of exertion and stops improving. An interval workout includes a set where you perform at your maximum, followed by one of lower intensity, with the cycle repeated to achieve a cumulative effect.

INSANITY uses MAX Interval Training which replaces your moderate intensity exercise with maximum-intensity exercise, and your short intervals of intensity with short periods of rest. Adding high-intensity exercise, during which your heart rate is raised to 80 percent or more of its maximum capacity, forces your body to use fast-twitch muscle fibers not normally engaged in cardio exercise. These fast-twitch fibers continue burning extra fuel even during lower-intensity exercise.

INSANITY’s high-intensity activity is likely to have you working out at over 85% of your maximum, instead of the lower rate recommended in other programs. As a result, you’ll experience faster increases in fitness and more efficient burning of carbohydrates and fat—as much as 1,000 calories per hour.

Equipment needs
INSANITY requires no equipment.
These other Beachbody products can help
support your workouts:
• P90X® Results and Recovery Formula
• Performance Formula
• Bowflex® Heart Monitor
• Beachbody® Plyometrics Mat

Try it Today!

Monday, April 5, 2010

One on One

What is Tony Horton's One on One? Well I'm going to tell you.

A subscription to One on One with Tony Horton gives you a brand-new P90X® style workout each and every month, sent directly to your mailbox, ready to play. All of the workouts are of the same extreme intensity as P90X, only slightly shorter; most are from 20-40 minutes long. Like the P90X routines, each targets a specific area or muscle group. Because you’ll have so many choices of what muscle groups to target and the type of exercise to do, it will help avoid repetitive stress on your body and the accompanying potential for injury. If you’re hooked on P90X and looking for the next challenge, One on One expands your repertoire, allowing you to build on your P90X results, change up your workouts to prevent boredom or plateauing, and keep your muscles “confused.”

How does this “one new workout every month” thing work?
One on One is a continuity program, which means every month in the mail you will automatically get a new DVD with a brand new workout focus. As a subscriber, you will receive your first DVD together with a cool collector wallet that holds up to 12 DVDs. You’ll keep receiving new workouts for as long as you keep your subscription going, building your collection over time. Once your collector wallet is filled with 12 DVDs, you’ll automatically receive another collector wallet—with more challenging workouts to come, every month.

What makes One on One unique?
You get Tony Horton all to yourself. It’s just you and him, “bringing it” together, since Tony does the entire workout with you from beginning to end. He’s not walking around and giving cues—he’s pressing out each push-up with you. That makes each One on One DVD seem like a personal training session with Tony, right in your own living room. You get to experience the intensity that Tony brings to his own workouts, as One on One is shot live, uncut, in his home gym. This is the real, behindthe- scenes deal. If the mail carrier comes to the door, or if Tony splits his pants during a workout (both of which have happened), you will see it on the DVD. Every month he develops a new routine in his uniquely intense and crazy style that is available exclusively to One on One subscribers.
How can One on One complement P90X and other extreme programs?

You can blend or even swap out One on One workouts with your P90X, INSANITY™, or ChaLEAN Extreme® routines; use them to get ready for your sport of choice; or target a specific area with focused, intense exercises. For example, if you want an alternative to the P90X Yoga X DVD, replace it with Fountain of Youth for a shorter but equally effective yoga workout. If you want specific training for your upcoming ski trip, try the Mammoth UML routine. If you’re ready for the mother of all upper-body workouts, get ultimate results with 30-15: The Upper Body Massacre.

ChaLEAN Extreme!

I am currently doing ChaLean Extreme and it is also one of my favorite workouts. I wanted to share the info. on ChaLean Extreme so you can learn more and see if it is right for you. After reading this and you do decide this workout is for you click the banner below to purchase. This will also make me your personal Beachbody Coach!

What is it?

ChaLEAN Extreme® is a body-sculpting program designed to help you lose up to 60 percent of your body fat in just three months, and see visible results every 30 days. It uses resistance training to increase lean muscle mass, which has been proven to burn calories and raise your metabolism. The result is a lean, firm, well-toned physique.

Why is it so effective?

• Because Muscle Burns Fat®—when you develop lean muscle, you raise your body’s metabolism, so you’ll burn more fat when you’re working out and even when you’re not. • With Chalene Johnson’s Lean Phasing® technique, you advance through 3 phases of training, so even those without experience doing resistance exercise can achieve a lean, hard physique. • And breakdown sets allow you to push past failure, stimulating more fatburning lean muscle with every workout.

Celebrity trainer Chalene Johnson
One of the most popular fitness instructors in the country, Chalene is an experienced, highly motivating workout leader. With her guidance, you’ll learn the proper form and technique for working out with weights or bands, even if you’ve never done resistance training before. She’ll keep you from getting bored and inspire you to do your very best.

What makes ChaLEAN Extreme unique?

• Cardio-only workouts burn calories while you’re exercising. But ChaLEAN Extreme incorporates resistance training to build lean muscle, so you burn more fat during each workout and supercharge your metabolism throughout the day. • While gym-based resistance-training workouts often focus on building large muscles, ChaLEAN Extreme gives women a lean, strong, well-defined body, not a big, bulky physique.

Equipment needs:
• ChaLEAN Extreme base kit comes with one pro-grade Resistance Band • You may want to purchase additional resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, individual 5 to 30-lb. dumbbells (for women) or 12 to 40-lb. dumbbells (for men)

Recommended Nutritionals:
• Shakeology® - Whether you use it as a meal replacement or a snack, Shakeology will fuel your extreme workouts with natural energy and feed your muscles the nutrition they need for a healthy recovery. • ActiVit® Multivitamins Metabolism Formula • P90X® Results and Recovery Formula

How does Chalene’s Lean Phasing® technique work?

The 15 extreme workouts are broken into 3 phases, so you keep progressing as you build strength and endurance: Phase 1: BURN Start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism. Phase 2: PUSH Learn how to lift heavy to build the muscle and burn more fat. Phase 3: LEAN Once you’ve built a foundation, Chalene brings it home with new routines and dynamic moves that melt the fat away. And each phase includes these workouts for even better results: Extreme cardio: Chalene ignites your metabolism further with super-intense cardio and strength-training routines, then rejuvenates and lengthens your muscles with an invigorating flexibility workout. Core power: Targeted ab routines let you tighten and tone your abs for a rock-hard midsection.

What Is Beachbody?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Turbo Jam!

Today I'm going to talk about one of my FAVORITE workouts that if you don't have you NEED to get!

It's Turbo Jam! Turbo Jam was the very first Beachbody program I ever purchased. I seen the infomercial for it around 3 am a few years ago and thought to myself, "That looks fun!" At the time of seeing the infomercial I was very overweight. In the past I had tried other fitness DVD's but I got bored easily with them and would quit doing them. Turbo Jam was one that I never got bored with. This is a workout that anyone at any fitness level can do. If you aren't able to kick as high, or punch the way they do in the video, no big deal! You can work your way up. There is also always someone in every video that does the entire workout with low intensity and you can always follow that person.

Created by fitness expert Chalene Johnson and her professional team of group exercise experts, nationally ranked kickboxers, black belts, and competitive Olympic fighters, Turbo Jam is a supercharged, fun workout that includes cardio, dance, and kickboxing to effectively strengthen and sculpt the entire body. Check out the video here below then we'll talk about all the different sets and prices.

So there are 4 separate sets of Turbo Jam

The first set that I recommend starting out on is the Maximum Results set. For $59.85 you'll get:
You get 5 fun and incredible fat-burning workout
Learn & Burn
Turbo Sculpt
20 Minute Workout
Ab Jam

Cardio Party

You also get easy-to-use tools for tracking your results!
"Elite 11" flash cards
24/7 Online Support

Turbo Results fitness and nutrition guide

Plus, get these 4 FREE gifts to supercharge your results!
Turbo Sculpting Gloves
(Love, Love, Love these)
Punch, Kick & Jam

Turbo Slim® diet plan
BONUS workout—Booty Sculpt + Ab

All for just $59.85! Don't believe me? Click pic and see for yourself.

Remember that is just the first set. Everything you'll need to transform your body comes in this one set. I love the Turbo Jam sets because they keep me motivated. We all need motivation!
When you're ready to move on to another Turbo Jam set there is the Fat Burning Elite Set.

This set is a bit more advanced and will take ya to that next Turbo Level.

This set is also $59.85 and includes:

5 explosive workouts!

Fat Blaster


Cardio Party Mix 3

Lower Body Jam
Cardio Party Mix 2

2 FREE gifts to keep!
Turbo Sculpting band
Thigh Toning Band

Check out Fat Burning Elite by clicking the pic below.

The next two sets are 'Turbo Jam Live' & 'Get on the ball.'
Turbo Jam live is 2 workouts for $24.95

Cardio Party Remix
Booty Sculpt + Abs

Click Below for Turbo Jam Live.

Turbo Jam Get on the Ball is $39.90 and includes:

2 brand-new ball workouts
Total Body Blast
Kickin' Core

Plus FREE Turbo Ball with Pump

Don't forget you'll always have a money back guarantee with your Turbo Jam programs. I doubt you'll be returning it when you see your results. I lost around 50 pounds with this program and still do it to this day.

If you enjoy Turbo Jam, You'll enjoy Turbo Fire that is soon to be released from Beachbody. Get with me and I'll let you know when it's out!

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    Do you give your workout the attention it needs?

    Do you pay attention to how much energy, commitment, and focus you give your body when working out? Let's face it, there are many people that do not enjoy working out. These people understand they need to workout, but will often distract themselves while doing so. For example, when you walk into a gym does this look familiar?

    I understand that some exercises seem tedious, but when you distract yourself during your workout you could be hurting yourself when it comes to your fitness goals. To really challenge yourself and get the most from your workout you need to focus.

    There are however good distractions, and bad distractions. Music for some can be a good distraction. When we have our headphones on and one of our favorite songs come on it can cause us to push harder and get the most from our workout.

    Some bad distractions can consist of reading a book or magazine, or getting into watching a tv show. These distractions can slow you down because you are focusing too intently on them. Hunching over a book can also cause bad form which can hurt you physically.

    Weightlifting is a form of exercise that requires a lot of focus. Even when using free weights. If we focus more on the muscles we are targeting we get a more effective workout that may even take less time.

    Another reason to focus is we want to prevent injury. Nobody wants to fall off a treadmill while running or fall into a pothole while running on the road! We also don't want to pull muscles using bad form while weight lifting. Hurting yourself can take you out of your workout routine and cause you to have to start all over when well again. Who wants to have to start over? Not me!

    Don't get me wrong though, if you need music, or a book, or a tv show to help you stay motivated to workout, go for it! Just remember to also give plenty attention to your workout, form, and posture. You have to find out what works for you, find what motivates you and stick with it!

    Thursday, April 1, 2010

    Gym Memberships.

    I took a few minutes this morning to research the cost of gym memberships. What I learned was astounding. Some of the websites I searched had NO info at all on their webpage letting me know what I would be paying. They wanted me to come in and find out.

    I did research 3 Major Gyms. Bally, 24 Hour Fitness, and YMCA.

    I found prices on memberships on their sites however I did have to search a bit.

    So let's talk about Bally for a sec. I found that Bally wants you to pay all fees, 1st and last months membership up front. They then charge you $19.99 a month. $79.99 enrollment fee. So up front you pay $144.97 due at signing. This is all public knowledge on their site if you don't believe me.

    That's $144.97 that you could have spent on a P90x, ChaLean Extreme, or an Insanity program. Even with S&H from Beachbody it is still cheaper than $144.97.

    The $144.97 does not include visits with a personal trainer either.

    So why pay $144.97, by the way plus gas to drive to this gym, when you can pay LESS and never leave the house! Also, workout when you want!

    Let's move on. Next gym I looked up was 24 hour fitness. Now 24 hour fitness offers $0 down, but plans from $26.99-$29.99 a month. If you want to add a person you'll pay an extra $24.99.

    I also found that with 24 hour fitness you can get 3 50-minute Personal trainer sessions for $129.00. Just THREE sessions. For $129.00 with Beachbody you can get TWO count em TWO total body transformation workouts. You could get a Turbo Jam AND the Brazil Butt lift for less than $129.00.

    And that's TWO workouts that would keep you occupied for a long time and shed pounds. Again, without leaving the house and wasting gas.

    Next we have YMCA. With YMCA I found you need to pay $75 at signup then $61 a month for one person. (this may vary by location)
    For just the $75 sign up alone you can get the first set of Turbo Jam:Maximum results and still have money left over. And, I repeat again, no wasting gas.

    So let's see:

    Bally: $19.99 for 12 months. $239.88 (You could get the P90X DELUXE package for $239.70. When I say deluxe, it comes with MUCH more than just the regular P90X package. AND you can be in top shape in 90 days versus 12 months!)

    24 Hour Fitness: Lowest at $26.99 a month. $323.88 (You could get the INSANITY DELUXE package for
    $239.70. Again, the deluxe packages come with everything needed to get in top shape. AND with Insanity you could be in top shape in 60 days vs 12 months.)

    YMCA: $61 for 12 months. $732. (Do I really have to explain this one? There's a TON of in home Beachbody programs you can get with this!)

    The above Beachbody prices are also regular prices. If you are a Team Beachbody Club member you also get 10% off ALL purchases. Club memberships are still cheaper than what you would pay for a Gym membership for a year. Want an even BIGGER discount? Sign up as a Coach and get 25% off ALL purchases and also MAKE money!

    SO which would you choose? A gym that you have to drive to and waste gas? A gym that you may pay for and never even go to because you are sucked into some contract? A gym that you may use, but not exactly know what you are doing once you start your workout?

    OR a predesigned workout from Beachbody that gives you a TOTAL body transformation without leaving your house? One that you do when YOU choose to. One that offers support and tips coming from a Coach like myself that has been where you may be now and can relate.

    I think it's a simple choice. :o)