Saturday, April 3, 2010

Do you give your workout the attention it needs?

Do you pay attention to how much energy, commitment, and focus you give your body when working out? Let's face it, there are many people that do not enjoy working out. These people understand they need to workout, but will often distract themselves while doing so. For example, when you walk into a gym does this look familiar?

I understand that some exercises seem tedious, but when you distract yourself during your workout you could be hurting yourself when it comes to your fitness goals. To really challenge yourself and get the most from your workout you need to focus.

There are however good distractions, and bad distractions. Music for some can be a good distraction. When we have our headphones on and one of our favorite songs come on it can cause us to push harder and get the most from our workout.

Some bad distractions can consist of reading a book or magazine, or getting into watching a tv show. These distractions can slow you down because you are focusing too intently on them. Hunching over a book can also cause bad form which can hurt you physically.

Weightlifting is a form of exercise that requires a lot of focus. Even when using free weights. If we focus more on the muscles we are targeting we get a more effective workout that may even take less time.

Another reason to focus is we want to prevent injury. Nobody wants to fall off a treadmill while running or fall into a pothole while running on the road! We also don't want to pull muscles using bad form while weight lifting. Hurting yourself can take you out of your workout routine and cause you to have to start all over when well again. Who wants to have to start over? Not me!

Don't get me wrong though, if you need music, or a book, or a tv show to help you stay motivated to workout, go for it! Just remember to also give plenty attention to your workout, form, and posture. You have to find out what works for you, find what motivates you and stick with it!

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