Monday, April 12, 2010

What's RevAbs you ask?

What is it?
RevAbs™ is an innovative new home workout program that combines cardio nand strength training with a unique form of ab work. It’s specifically designed to burn off the fat and give you a six-pack in just 90 days. With RevAbs, you work the abdominal muscles from six different angles for a smaller waist and toned midsection. Added interval-training techniques burn fat at the highest rate possible.

Why is it effective?
With creator Brett Hoebel’s Abcentrics method, you do full-body cardio and strength training in addition to ab work, but you “fire” your abs during every movement. That means you’re toning and tightening your abs the whole time. You get faster and more balanced results than you could from crunches alone, or from any “ab machine” on the market. RevAbs includes plenty of strength training and cardio intervals to boost your metabolism and scorch calories. You define your abs and get rid of fat to reveal a great-looking midsection.

Celebrity Trainer Brett Hoebel
Known to fans as “El Capitan” and “The Dues Collector,” Brett Hoebel is a sought-after fitness, strength, and nutrition expert in New York and Los Angeles, with a background in biomedical science and extensive training in martial arts. Brett has trained celebrities ranging from athletes to actresses and Victoria’s Secret models, as well as everyday people looking for weight loss and fitness. He was the co-host of Fit Family on the Discovery Health Channel, and has appeared on such shows as The View and Good Morning America. He also provides fitness advice to magazines, including Vogue, Allure, Elle, Shape, and Self.

How does Abcentrics work?
Abcentrics teaches you a simple yet powerful breathing technique that allows you to “fire” your abs during every movement. You’re strengthening your abs even while doing total-body exercises, so every workout is an ab workout. If you want a smaller waist and flat, welldefined
abs, you need to develop your entire midsection. That’s why RevAbs works your abdominals from six directions:
1. Upper flexion
2. Lower flexion
3. Double flexion
4. Side flexion
5. Twist
6. Extension

With this 360-degree approach, you can
work every angle to achieve balanced core
strength and incredible-looking abs.

Who can benefit?
People who want flat or 6-pack abs
People who are interested in losing weight while toning up
People who are bored with other workouts and want something new
People who want a short, efficient workout
People who need motivation to work out and get fit
People who are interested in martial arts or capoeira
People who want a workout that incorporates strength training

9 Workouts on 7 DVDs:
Nutrition Guide
RevAbs Wall Calendar
Rev It Up Cardio
Anytime, Anywhere Abs
Professional Fat Caliper
Plus FREE Online Support

Want it? Click Below. Or go to

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