Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse!

Are you about to start a new Beachbody Fitness Program?
JUMP start that program by following the Shakeology 3 day cleanse!

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake designed to be enjoyed every day, one meal a day. But for this cleanse, it will be used three times a day for three days.

(Click Here for Shakeology Nutrition Facts and info.)

Shakeology 3 day cleanse is designed to break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way. The key is caloric efficiency; getting the most nutrients possible out of the fewest number of calories.

The Shakeology cleanse is a calorie restricted nutrient dense eating plan that lasts for 3 days. The Shakeology Cleanse should not be used for longer than 3 days or in the middle of you workout program. You should do a Shakeology Cleanse either on your recovery week or prior to starting your new fitness program. The goal here is not to lose weight even though it will probably occur but to get your body running more efficiently. You will be eating (drinking) frequently and consuming between 800 -1200 calories a day

You'll get GREAT results!

How to follow:
3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day (blended with water and ice)
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is good choice)
1 piece of fruit a day (Apple, pear, orange, banana, mango, etc)
1 salad for dinner (lettuce, veggies, lean protein)
*4 oz lean protein in salad (WHITE poultry or fish)
*Only Low Fat Dressings.

NO: Dairy (no almond, soy, or rice milk) or extra sugars.


Wake Up:

1 cup of Green Tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
Optional: ½ cup of fruit (only for the super conditioned – not the weight challenged)

1 piece of fruit

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
(This snack can be before or after dinner)

*4 oz lean protein (WHITE fish or poultry)
*Light Dressing

Positive Results

*Weight Loss

*Reduced belly bloat

*Renewed energy

*Break through plateau, boost metabolism

Possible Negative Results to be Aware of:

*Headaches or light-headedness

*Lack of energy


*No weight loss

*Measure inches instead

*Preparing your body for weight loss

If you need to modify the cleanse feel free to add a light healthy snack.

Can I still do my workouts during the Shakeology Cleanse?

*It will be different for everyone but light to moderate exercise should be fine

*You will have less energy than usual so the best time would be during a recovery week of prior to starting your program

*Try not to do the cleanse in the middle of P90X or Insanity

How do you get Shakeology?

You can get Shakeology from Beachbody Coaches like myself. Visit or

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