Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Today is Day 2 of Insanity Asylum.  I have not done the workout of the day yet.  I plan to sometime this afternoon.  Today's workout is Strength.  Which I'm looking forward too.

Yesterday's workout was Speed and Agility.  The first workout of the program.  Yeah, needless to say I'm pretty sore today.  I have done Insanity before, but The Asylum is MUCH tougher.  I remember quite a few 30 second breaks in Insanity.  I think I took a total of 2 breaks in The Asylum yesterday if I remember correctly.  I've never seen so many difficult moves piled into 45 mins.  Bear crawls, V pushups, hop scotch and more ALL using the ladder that comes with the program.  Below is a picture after my workout. If only you could see the piles of sweat I left on the floor.

I'm following the meal plan that comes with it pretty good too.  I plan on making a few of the meals for a week straight and then switching it up.  All under 1800 calories for the day.  My favorite so far is the pita pizza.  My husband really enjoys it too.  Apparently so does my dog. 

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