Monday, July 11, 2011

Yeah, I kicked it and I ran.

Just finished up Vertical Plyo from Insanity: The Asylum.  I'm shaking.  I can barely type.  You should see the corrections I'm having to make here with my typing.  38 minute workout kicked my butt.  I hated it....but I loved it.  My least favorite move was probably the last move.  The vertical side jumps.  I don't know if it was b/c it was at the end of the workout, or if I was just getting wore out.  But either way, when I was done I kicked that ladder so far away from me so fast I think it left a burn mark on my floor.  Also I thought I was gonna get sick twice.  lol Luckily I didn't, but man Vertical Plyo was rough.  Now it's time to get some P90X R&R formula in me to recover.  I swear though, the ladder with The Asylum has to be the worst or the best invention for a workout.  I can't quite decide just yet.  I love to hate it.

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