Friday, November 12, 2010

FAQ's on Beachbody Coaching. Now FREE!

Who can be a Beachbody Coach?
YOU can be a Beachbody Coach! Anyone can be a Beachbody Coach, no fitness experience required. Beachbody gives you the tools you need to be a Coach. You do not need to be in perfect shape. Beachbody Coaches are working on their fitness goals just as much as you are.
Who will be there to help you?
I will! I will be there every step of the way to help you and offer as many tips as I can with your business and your fitness goals. If there is ever a questions I can’t answer, I have someone I can always ask and get that answer for you.
Who is Beachbody?
Beachbody is a successful 10-year-old, $250+ million corporation based in Southern California. Beachbody creates and sells the nation’s most popular in-home fitness workout programs, gear, and nutritional supplements that work! When you become a Beachbody Coach, you’re teaming up with a great company and a best-selling brand.
What does a Beachbody Coach do?
Most Coaches are people who have tried and had success with Beachbody’s programs and products. Coaches help others achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. A Coach is there to help inspire you to reach your goals. They help you find the right Beachbody program and product to get you the best results.
What does it cost to be a Coach?
It only costs $39.99 (FREE till December 31, 2010) to start a Beachbody business. That includes your first month’s Business Services Fees and your Coach Business Kit, which comes with everything you need to begin earning income. After that you are charged $14.99 a month for your websites that Beachbody gives you.

What help do you get as a Coach?
To start out with you will have the Coach that signed you up to answer any questions you may have. You also have your very own back office that has all the tools you'll need to get you started and keep you going. You’ll have your very own email address and online store where you will send your customers. Beachbody also gives you access to Coach relations where you can always call to get any answers.
When do Coaches get Paid?

 Weekly! You have the option of a check mailed to you or a direct deposit.

When can you work on the business?

Anytime you choose.  You can make it full time or part time.  It is up to you!

Why should you be a Coach?

Nothing is more rewarding than helping someone achieve their health and fitness goals. In todays economy being a Coach is most rewarding.
How do Coaches earn money?
Of course this being the big question. Coaches get paid by earning weekly commissions. Anytime a customer buys a program or product from a Coach Online Store they receive 25% commission. Coaches also receive 50% commission on Team Beachbody Club Memberships purchased by customers. Also Coaches earn team cycle bonuses. There are even more details to this let me know if you want to know about them!

Can I cancel at anytime?
Sure! If you cancel within 30 days you will receive a refund.

How do I sign up as a Coach?
Simple. Visit and click *Coach* After you are signed up you can begin making money that very second!
If you are not sure if this is right for you and want even more info feel free to contact me through my site at or try my Facebook page at
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located on the Coaches Corner on for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

FREE Workout right here!

Time to Pay it Forward.  Join Tony Horton for this workout.  This is me showing it to you.  Here's a taste of Tony Hortons One on One.  Haven't worked out in a while?  Here's your kick start. 

(Click Pause once video starts and let it load a bit before playing)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I can't afford Shakeology!

Yep, I hear it all the time.  "It's just too expensive."  "It's how much?!"  "No way am I buying that."

Guess what?  I even thought the same way.  But I'll tell you something, if you sit down and really look at what you are buying at the grocery store I guarantee you can afford it.  

"I want to lose weight, but I can't afford too."  I hear this one ALL the time too.  You CAN afford to lose weight you just may not be looking in the right places. 

Think of it this way.  What is on your shopping list every week?  Or better yet, what is not on your shopping list that you grab while you are at the grocery store?  Chips?  Cake? Soda? Boxed freezer meals?  Pizza?  Popsicles? 

If you answered yes and you are trying to lose weight then you aren't going to lose weight eating these foods on a daily basis.  How much does a bag of chips cost?  Let's take Doritos Cool Ranch: $3.79 Let's say you buy 4 bags in a month.  That's $15.16 a month.  What next, cans of soda. (Prices may vary store to store I realize this, prices are found from Google Search)  A 12 pack of Coca Cola can cost $5.99.  Let's say you drink a good amount of coke and buy 4 packs a month.  That's  $23.96 a month.  So for just the Doritos and Coke we are at a total of $39.12.  Ok, Moving on.  What else did we say?  Oh, Boxed freezer meals!  Let's see.  Usually people really stock up on these.  From Hot Pockets, to tv dinner meals, to small pizzas, etc.  Let's start with Hot Pockets.  A "4-meat and cheese" box of Hot Pockets is $3.51.  Again, just for fun let's say you buy 4 of these boxes a month.  That's $14.04.  So now we are at a total of $53.16.  Now onto America's favorite!  Boxed Pizza.  Let's say every Friday you like to throw a pizza in the oven.  A DiGiorno 4-cheese pizza is $9.45.  So 4 times a month is $37.80.  So now we are at a total of $90.96.  I completly forgot, but a lot of people like to buy cookies.  So for example let's take oreos.  Say you buy 4 bags of oreos a month.  No I take that back let's say just 3 bags.  (I hope you aren't buying 4 bags a month at least)  3 bags of Oreos can run you $11.17.  (3.99 a bag) So now we are at $102.93.  Now, onto tv dinners.  Let's use Hungry Man dinners for example.  Let's say you are on the go a lot and eat 5 a week.  For 2 weeks that's 10 dinners.  A Hungry Man dinner can cost $3-$4.  Let's say $3.  That's $30 for 10 dinners.  (Some people may even eat more than that in a month)  So now we are at $132.93.

$132.93! That's a month of foods that do not need to be eaten on a regular basis.  Shakeology cost $119.00 a month.
That's $4 a serving.  You can replace one meal a day, say for example lunch, and cut out all the above junk foods and still afford Shakeology.  If you were a Beachbody Coach you would just pay $89 a month for Shakeology saving you even more!

So I challenge you to take a look at what you buy at the grocery store.  See what you can cut out of your diet that is causing you to gain weight.  Take hold of the reins of your life and make a change.  Trust me, I know from personal experience that you will be a happier person in the long run.  :o) 

To learn more about Shakeology and what it can do for you click below.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I hear it ALL the time. I'm sure you do too.

"I don't have time to workout!"  Is the one sentence that people love to use.  I understand that people are busy.  Busy careers, school full time, kids running around, a house to clean, etc.  Know how I know?  I used the same excuse once.  All it takes is a little planning.  For some people waking up early and getting their exercise in first works.  For some it's squeezing it in right before bed time.  Or maybe on their lunch break.  There is no perfect time to workout.  YOU have to find what works for you.  Once you find it you have to stick to it.  If someone tries to disturb your workout time, politely explain to them how important it is that you get your workouts in.  They may not understand.  But you know that you do. 

So now I have another point that kind of goes a long with the first point because I get this a lot too. 

"You stay at home so you have all the time in the world to workout." 
WRONG!  I have a busy day too.  Maybe not as busy as some.  But I still plan my workouts.  I still have kids to raise, errands to run, a house to clean, pets to take care of, my Beachbody Business and more.

In fact it's harder for me to maintain and lose my weight I believe.   I'll tell ya why.  When I get up, sometimes I schedule my workouts first, sometimes later on.  But as soon as I get up I go head and clean my house and get the kids up and ready for school and make them breakfast.  After that I can workout if I haven't already.  I can run my errands if need be and work on my business.  Then get supper ready to be put on the table.  After all that is done I then have to keep myself busy otherwise my mind wanders and I start to think about grabbing foods I don't need to eat.  Or I think maybe I'll want to watch some tv and sit down for a bit, when I don't need too.  If I had an 8 hour job where I was on my feet all day PLUS having to deal with my workouts, house cleaning, supper, errand running, kids, and more then to me, it would be easier to stay on top of my weight.  When we aren't distracted sometimes is when we fall off the horse.  If I end up sitting down watching tv, or eat something my body doesn't need, that's when I gain weight.  I have to stay moving, and there is only so many times I can clean my house, after that I have to come up with other ways to stay moving.  So to me, in my opinion, is why it can be harder for those that do stay home with kids, stay home in general, or work from home.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Just say NO!

Okay.  Here we go!  I've been living in TN for a couple of months now.  TN is where ALL my family live.  I have not seen some of my family in a very long time due to living in other states the past nine years.  So they are REALLY excited to have us back home.  So excited that they want to take us out to eat all the time.  At first I let them.  We have gone to Chilli's, IHOP, numerous Mexican restaurants, fast food, and more.  It's so easy to fall of the horse when you don't put your foot down and say NO!  Okay, maybe not yell it, but politely decline.  This is what I have had to do.  I keep getting asked to go out to eat with family.  Even some of the healthy meals on the menu aren't so healthy.  Some people just think that they are.  Most salads at sit down restaurants have over 800 calories in them.  800!  So from this point on I am politely declining the invitations to go out to eat.  I will cook at home where I know what goes into my food.  I will only go out to eat on occasions.  I will also stick to my workout routine with Turbo Fire daily.  I may hurt someone's feelings when I decline an offer, but that is me thinking of my health and my kids health.  If we don't have our health we have nothing.  Without our health we wouldn't be there to go out to eat on occasions. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

FREE Workout!

Check it out!  If you have a FREE Team Beachbody account and have been thinking about trying Insanity than you will receive a FREE bonus workout.  This special is only for when you purchase Insanity from a Beachbody Coach or your Team Beachbody account.  If you just purchase from, guess what, you will not get the free workout.  So sign up today for FREE at or log into your Team Beachbody account. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010


That's what I'm telling myself here.  I know it's been a long time since I wrote here.  I have been rather busy but that's NO EXCUSE on my part.  So what's been going on?  Well I no longer live in NC where my husband was stationed.  My husband has been stationed in Nashville TN starting in late September.  Lucky for us, Nashville is pretty much our home town.  So we are moving back home.  My husband is still in NC till the end of August.  I however moved back to go ahead and get the house settled and the kids registered for school.  So far, so good. 

Now, onto my newest and favorite workout.  Turbo Fire!  Last time I wrote Turbo Fire hadn't been released yet.  Well now it has!  I have already been doing the program since July 1st.  Already down a few pounds, couple of inches off waist gone, 1 inch off thighs gone, gained an inch in bicep and so on and so on.  Soooo happy to now have this program in my life, and I'm not finished with it yet.  If anyone however is interested in getting this program FREE I am hosting a contest for it here:!/event.php?eid=132876100083857 
 It's so much fun, that I look forward to my workouts.  It's also a quick workout most of the time.  No looong, grueling hours of boooring working out.

So that's where I am at right now.  My Independent Beachbody business is booming in ways I actually never thought it would.  I'm applying the work, which is more fun than work, and things are going great.  I've had a pay check every single week that me and my husband are using as fun money and I love it!  I LOVE getting paid just for getting in shape and helping others do the same through Beachbody.  I'll be attending the Nashville Summer of Success Tour in August, so if ya see me there feel free to say HI!  :o)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why I love what I do.

I'm not going to lie.  I LOVE working from home.  Being a Beachbody Coach gives me that freedom.  I cannot begin to explain to you how skeptical I was first coming into this business.  I had been using Beachbody's programs since 2006.  I never even knew they had a business opportunity till last year.  (It's only around 2 -3 years old though anyway)  When I first heard about it I spent many hours online here and there researching the Beachbody Business opportunity.  I mean ya had to pay $39 to sign up, didn't want to waste my money.  lol Well in just a few short months, the $39 had turned into $1000.  Does that make me rich?  Heck no!  Does that make me $1000 richer than I already was?  Oh yeah!  It's growing weekly from there as well.

I totally understand where people come from being skeptical.  I was the same way.  In all honesty though, I could never be an Avon, Mary Kay, or other Rep.  I don't really believe in their products like I do Beachbody's.  I have used Beachbody's programs and products and I'm still down 81 pounds (In all).  I've still been able to keep it off since 2006.  And I'm STILL thriving to improve myself daily.  They work!  I mean sure if you purchase them and they sit on a DVD shelf, then no way will they work collecting dust.  Beachbody gives you the tools and designs the program to work.  You just have to PUSH PLAY!  And that's it, follow it as planned and you can't lose.  Other than weight of course. 

So sure I had to pay $39 to start up, and $14 a month for my websites and store.  But I've already got that back plus more.  So no biggie.  I mean, any job where you have to wear a uniform, or scrubs, you get a stain on them and you'll be buying a new pair.  They may give you the first set, but after that, on your own.  Plus gas to get to and from work.

Another reason I love what I do, not only for staying in shape, but I LOVE to see that look and happiness in someone else that has just dropped 10 pounds by using a Beachbody Program or Product.  Also, ya know those annoying parties ya have to throw with some other at home businesses?  Yeah not with Beachbody, unless you just want too.  No inventory, unless you want too.  No taking payments of any kind, again, unless you want too.  And no handling shipping.  Gosh I love it.  I have all the tools, logos, videos, and anything you can imagine in my back office to help me.  PLUS I have my personal Coach and Team of Platinum Presenters to help me along the way.  (Platinum Presenters is a group of very successful Beachbody Coaches that help one another be more successful.  If anyone is part of my team, then they are also a  Platinum Presenter)

If you are ever interested in this opportunity, all you have to do is contact me at my site:

In all seriousness, I can show you, and tell you how you can do the same.   I love not having to leave the house to get paid weekly, to be here with my kids, to get Fit!  :o)

P.S. I forgot to add, as a Coach, If you don't make money in the first 30 days, guess what?  REFUND!  ;oP

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Body Gospel. 5-28-2010

What is it?
Body Gospel® is a comprehensive fitness program that connects the power of faith with the desire to lose weight and get fit. It includes cross-training workouts set to uplifting gospel music, muscle-firming resistance bands, and a complete nutrition plan created by inspirational fitness expert Donna Richardson Joyner. She shows you how to combine this effective program with your faith in God to transform your body and your life.

Donna Richardson Joyner has starred in award-winning workouts, including the Buns of Steel and Sweating in the Spirit series. The Oprah Winfrey Show named her as one of the “Top 5 Fitness Video Instructors.” Donna is in the Fitness Hall of Fame, and holds the Guinness World Record for leading the world’s largest line dance, with over 50,000 participants. She is married to nationally syndicated radio host Tom Joyner.

Why is it so effective?
Body Gospel combines the feeling of empowerment and purpose you feel at church with what may have previously felt like an impossible struggle— dropping those extra pounds and getting healthy. Donna’s program, full of prayer and set to exhilarating gospel music, will have you working out and worshipping at the same time. She helps you understand that exercise is a form of praise, and that taking care of our bodies is indeed a form of worship. In fact, getting in shape and eating healthily will give you more energy to take care of your obligations and serve God.

Is there really gospel music in Body Gospel?
All of the Body Gospel workouts are set to chart-topping gospel hits. In Body Gospel Live! Donna works out with you in front of a live gospel choir—it’s a “party with a purpose!”
Some of the songs that will get you moving include:
• Hallelujah (The Highest Praise)
• Again I Say Rejoice
• Friend of God
• Going to Another Level
• Testify
• We Win
• The Presence of the Lord
...and many more

What you get:
6 workouts on 3 DVDs
Stepping in the Spirit audio CD
Body Gospel LIVE! (Included on the Strength & Spirit DVD)
Total Transformation Guide, including inspirational prayer journal
Feed Your Body, Feed Your Soul Nutrition Guidewith recipes
3-Day Jump-Start Plan
Body Gospel “Basic 10” Fitness Cards
Body Gospel Bands 

Product Info
Retail price: $79.90
Club price: $71.91 Team Beachbody Club members
Coach price: $59.93 Independent Beachbody Coach Price

Friday, May 21, 2010

Turbo Jam+Free Gift!

Turbo Jam is one of the most fun, effective and cheapest workouts Beachbody offers.  Cardio, Abs, strength training, nutrition/fitness guide, Turbo Jam has it all.  Turbo Jam is a GREAT program to help get you ready for Turbo Fire!  (Released June 18th)  From now till June 1st  if you purchase a Turbo Jam Set (Any Turbo Jam set from I'll throw in a Turbo Fire Retractable tape measure for FREE!  Got to get Fired up and ready for Turbo Fire! 

These are my very own before and after Turbo Jam pics before I moved onto other Beachbody Programs.  It's no Joke and if you follow it correctly along with healthy eating it WILL WORK!

What do you get with Turbo Jam?

Turbo Jam: Maximum Results (First Set-GREAT for beginners)
You get 5 fun and incredible fat-burning workouts
 Learn & Burn 
Turbo Sculpt 
20 Minute Workout 
Ab Jam 
Cardio Party

You also get easy-to-use tools for tracking your results 
"Elite 11" flash cards 
24/7 Online Support  (ME!)
Turbo Results fitness and nutrition guide

Turbo Sculpting Gloves 
Punch, Kick & Jam 
Turbo Slim® diet plan 
BONUS workout—Booty Sculpt + Abs

Turbo Jam: Fat Burning Elite (Moderate/advanced) 
You get 5 explosive workouts! 
Fat Blaster  
Cardio Party Mix 2   
Lower Body Jam    
Cardio Party Mix 3

Plus 2 FREE gifts to keep!
Turbo Sculpting band  
Thigh Toning Band

Turbo Jam Live!
Includes 2 "live" workouts . . .
Cardio Party Remix  
Booty Sculpt + Abs

Turbo Jam: Get On The Ball!
Get 2 brand-new ball workouts
Total Body Blast  
Kickin' Core

Plus FREE Turbo Ball with Pump


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are you Ready for it? I know I am!

Turbo Fire!!!  

Find it at in June. 

What is TurboFire®?
TurboFire is a total-body cardio-conditioning workout program with the best music and the best trainer, where you get the best spot in class. The upbeat music motivates you to dial up your intensity levels, doing kickboxing drills and aerobic exercises mixed with dance moves in a class setting. Your instructor is the highly sought-after, award-winning Chalene Johnson, creator of other successful programs like Turbo Jam® and ChaLEAN Extreme.® Anyone looking to achieve peak fitness levels can complete the TurboFire program in either 12 weeks, or 20 weeks with Advanced TurboFire Classes.

Why is it effective?
It’s all about the HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) burns up to 9x more fat and calories than traditional cardio. These HIIT moves are known as “Fire Drills.” Unlike traditional cardio, HIIT means working out at your max in up to 1-minute intervals. As a result, your body burns up to 9x more fat and calories. Even after you’re done with class, your body continues to burn calories for up to a 24-hour period. This means 4 minutes of HIIT can be more effective than 30 to 45 minutes on a treadmill or stair climber.

The AfterBurn Effect means you actually continue to burn calories for hours after your workout is over.

What makes TurboFire unique?
The music behind TurboFire makes this program unlike any other. Chalene has custom-designed the best beats so each move is perfectly choreographed to songs like “It’s Tricky,” “Push It,” and “Give It All You Got.” Music is a major motivator. It’s what gets you to pump those arms harder and kick your legs
higher so you get the best workout from every class, and you look forward to your classes every time.

Who is TurboFire for?
People who want to lose weight and scorch off fat
People who want a lean, fit body
Fans of Chalene’s Turbo Jam
People who are tired of traditional cardio and aren’t seeing results anymore

Retail price: $119.85
Club price: $107.87
Coach price: $89.89

Sign up as a Beachbody Coach and get it at a discount AND make money paid weekly!
Want just the regular discount without being a Coach? Become a Club member and get a discount!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Slim Fast vs. Shakeology.

I'm not even going to type much at all about this.  The pics below speak for themselves.  Click on the pics to enlarge.

First check out Slim Fast.
Slim-Fast 2 shakes daily.                                                            

*Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs: Total Fat Less Than: 65g (2,000 cals per day)/80g (2,500 cals per day) Sat Fat Less Than: 20g (2,000 cals per day)/25g (2,500 cals per day) Cholesterol Less Than: 300mg (2,000 cals per day)/300mg (2,500 cals per day) Sodium Less Than: 2,400mg (2,000 cals per day)/2,400mg (2,500 cals per day) Potassuim 3,500mg (2,000 cals per day)/3,500mg (2,500 cals per day) Total Carbohydrate 300g (2,000 cals per day)/375g (2,500 cals per day) Dietary Fiber 25g (2,000 cals per day)/30g (2,500 cals per day) Protein 50g (2,000 cals per day)/65g (2,500 cals per day) Calories per gram: Fat=9, Carbohydrate=4, Protein=4

One shake Daily.

NOTE: Although highly nutritious, Shakeology does not meet all of your daily dietary needs and should not be the only meal you consume throughout any given day.
WARNING: Consult with a healthcare professional if pregnant, breast feeding, or if you have any other unique or special needs. Keep out of reach of children.

I'll stick to my Shakeology.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Check it out!

From Today till Saturday If you purchase an Insanity, P90X, Or ChaLean Extreme I'll throw in a FREE Water bottle!

 Just go to for any of these three programs!  Also you'll get me 24/7 as your personal Coach to answer any questions you may have.   Feel free to contact me if you have any trouble picking a program.  I'm here to help.  


My short little story.

Thought I would take a second and explain why I became a Beachbody Coach. At my heaviest weight I was around 218. Even in school I was on the overweight side. I got married 8 years ago to my husband and we have 2 children. Of course having children didn't help me with my weight problem. I tried all kinds of diets, diet pills. I tried going to the gym and doing cardio machines. It was all so boring to me and I never would stick with it. Before I decided to go to the gym though I made every excuse in the book for my weight, I blamed my birth control, I blamed that I didn't have time, I blamed my knees thinking I had bad knees.  Want to know why my knees hurt?  Cause I was overweight!  Once the weight was gone, so was the knee pain. 

Three years ago I was watching tv around 3 am. My husband was deployed overseas at the time so I had many sleepless nights. All of a sudden i flip across an infomercial with this blonde chic bouncing around yelling and punching. It was Chalene Johnson and her commercial for Turbo Jam. I thought to myself that looks like SO much fun! So I immediately ordered it. It came in the mail a few days later and I started the workout program.

I was hooked. It was so much fun that I wanted more. I was so hooked I did a few of the workouts 2 and 3 times a day. I then went back to Beachbody and seen that there was other Turbo Jam sets that I could purchase. (This was before there was Coaches) So of course I purchased them .

Within 3 months I had dropped so much weight that when my husband stepped off the bus after his deployment he didn't even recognize me. He literally walked right past me and I had to yell his name to get him to turn around.

Over the next 3 years I have done Hip Hop Abs, Chalean Extreme, Rockin' Body, P90X, Insanity and other Beachbody Programs. I have not once gained my weight back. ALL of the programs are so much fun and motivating that this is now my fabulous new lifestyle!

I became a Coach because I truly believe in Beachbody's workout programs and products. I want to help other people who think that there is no hope for them with their weight loss. I'm here to prove that with Beachbody and personal Coaching there is Hope!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chance to win!

Here's your chance to win Turbo Jam Live! (Also a Beachbody thigh toning band) As you may know Turbo Fire will be out in June! To help you prepare I recommend starting out on Turbo Jam first.

On Monday May 17th at 7pm EST I will ask a fitness related question on my Independent Beachbody Coach Facebook Wall. The FIRST person to comment on the post with the question with the correct answer wins!

How simple is that?

I don't care if you have to Google the answer. If you have to look it up that just means you are learning something about fitness you didn't already know. The more you know the better you can apply it to your very own fitness goals.

The ONLY think I ask is that you register for a FREE Team Beachbody account with me as your Coach. Once you have done that I will get your Turbo Jam live set in the mail to you! If you already have me as your Coach then you don't have to.

(ONLY available to people on the Fan/Like Page. So make sure you have me added.  Click HERE to add.)

Mark your calendar folks!

Turbo Jam Live + Thigh toning band

Includes 2 "live" workouts . . .
Now for the first time ever, you can experience all the fun and excitement of one of Chalene's classes right in your own home!

* Cardio Party Remix
Join Chalene's dance party and burn, baby, burn! (30 minutes)
* Booty Sculpt + Abs
Chalene's total-body sculpting class with more incredible music, loads of fun, and rockin' results. (30 minutes)

Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Cardio Power and Resistance

Today is Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance.  Since I have already made a video for it I will not be doing one today.  No sense showing the same moves over and over.

To view it click here

Friday, May 7, 2010

Insanity Pure Cardio Vid.


The warm up and stretch is the same as in the other videos.  However, Insanity Pure Cardio is nothing but cardio after the warm up.  The video below is just a small excerpt of the workout.  All together it is over 30 mins long.  You have to take your own breaks in Pure Cardio as there is none.  As you can see the second move, switch kicks, is not my favorite move.  I still struggle with this one a bit.

Mommies, go beyond the bus stop!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


If you’re doing Power 90®, P90X®, or any demanding fitness program, complete recovery is critical to maintaining hard-earned results. Water replaces fluids but not the many essential nutrients which are utilized for energy or lost through sweat. P90X Recovery Formula is a re-hydrating, re-energizing drink that helps you recover faster and more completely so you feel refreshed and ready for every workout.

• Helps you refuel, re-energize, and reduce muscle soreness
• Contains the accepted ratio of four parts carbohydrates to one part protein to support speedy and complete recovery
• Simple and complex carbohydrates to support optimum blood sugar and glycogen replenishment
• A high Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) protein blend to provide critical amino acid building blocks for rapid muscle repair and growth
• Vitamins, including antioxidants, which assist in tissue repair and growth
• Available in a 25-serving canister or convenient single-serve packets for on-the-go use

Mix two scoops or one packet with 12 oz of cold water and enjoy one delicious recovery drink after every intense workout.

P90X® Recovery Formula is a 3-in-1 drink that provides everything you need to replenish lost fluids, refuel with important nutrients, and recover with less soreness.*

• Studies show that with proper nutrition during the first hour following a workout, you can significantly increase your body's ability to recover.
• The key component to maximizing this "window of opportunity" is a formulation of approximately 4 parts carbohydrates to 1 part protein.

WARNING: Consult with a healthcare professional if pregnant, breast feeding, providing to a child, or if you have any other unique or special needs. Keep out of reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Choice of using Home Direct, or a One time order.   

Click below to learn more.

Get in on it!

From May 3rd through June 2nd, new and existing Tony One on One subscribers will get a full sample workout from TurboFire, the new High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) program. If you've been looking for a killer cardio program, this is it. High-impact interval training has been shown to rev up your metabolism and keep it revved up, long after your workout is finished. In fact, a TurboFire workout can burn up to 9 times more fat and calories than a traditional cardio workout.

TurboFire is a great idea for P90X® users who want to add more cardio to their regimen and an excellent "graduate" course for Turbo Jam®, Hip Hop Abs®, or Slim in 6® enthusiasts.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Insanity Cardio Recovery.

Today was cardio recovery day and boy did I need it.  I was pretty sore from just the past two days.  Below is the video of me doing Cardio Recovery.  It's just a few of the moves.  My husband decided to grace me with his presence for a second cause he didn't know I was recording. (Note, I am NOT the most flexible person.) :o)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Insanity Update.

So this past weekend I was BAAAD!   My mother in law has been in town visiting so we went out to eat a lot.  Now I could have had a salad at Logans, or a salad at Chilli's, or a salad at all the other places we ate at, but I didn't.  And that is nobody's fault but my own!  So that is another reason I have started Insanity, not just to get ready for Turbo Fire.  But I have gained weight, and it's time to get it off!

Here are some of my videos I have done today.  I can't post the entire workout, so this is not all the moves from today's workout, but just some bits and pieces. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

So check it out...

One of the NEWEST workouts coming from Beachbody is Turbo Fire! Will be here by the end of June! As a Beachbody Coach I can get it 2 weeks before public release. Sign up as a Coach and you can get it too and get paid! Check it out here:

So to get ready for Turbo Fire I have decided to start another round of INSANITY. By the time I am finished with it in 60 days Turbo Fire will be here and I'll be ready for it! If you don't know what INSANITY is check it out here:

To get INSANITY click the banner below:

I finished up Plyometric Cardio Circuit a little while ago. Half way through I was wishing I would have recorded myself doing it. But as I follow the program I will from now on record my workouts so you can see first hand the program. :o)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Slim in 6!

What is it?
Slim in 6® is an in-home workout program that helps you melt away fat and sculpt a leaner, sexier body in just six weeks. An easy-to-follow blend of fat-burning cardio and sculpting moves,
Slim in 6 can work for just about anyone, even people who’ve never pursued a regular exercise plan. Debbie Siebers’ combination of cardio, calisthenics, and weight-bearing exercise will burn calories and tone your abs, thighs, and buns without creating bulky muscles. Thousands of people have already lost up to 25 pounds in six weeks using this proven, highly effective program.

Why is it effective?
Slim Training® combines cardio with light resistance moves to create fast weight loss and body-shaping results. You’re taken through three phases of intensity, so you gradually increase your strength, endurance, and energy. And because you train the same muscles six days a week, your body becomes lean and toned, rather than bulky.

Fitness instructor Debbie Siebers created Slim in 6 in response to her own frustration with weight control and body image. Knowing what it’s like to struggle with these challenges, she offers empathy and encouragement to program participants. The Step-by-Step Nutrition Guide makes it easy to choose the right foods for healthy weight loss.

The 6-Day Express™ Diet Plan jump-starts your weight-loss results, guiding you through exactly what you should eat to shed fat quickly. During this period, you can lose up to 6 pounds in just six days.

The Slim Training Band included with each program helps you burn more calories and tone muscles faster, without having to deal with weights.

What makes Slim in 6 unique?
People get frustrated with many weight-loss and fitness programs because they take a long time to start producing results. But Slim in 6 promises a leaner, firmer body in just 6 weeks. Many users notice visible changes even sooner.
Debbie’s Slim Training technique helps you get long and lean by reducing body fat and toning muscle. You won’t get the big, bulky muscles that come from doing many sets with very heavy weights. Debbie keeps the resistance light, building strength without bulk. She incorporates regular stretches like those used in dance and yoga, which also help trim and reduce. Unlike the “extreme” Beachbody programs, which require a certain amount of physical conditioning just to get started, Slim in 6 is suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight. You don’t even need to know a lot about exercise. Just put the discs in your DVD player, Push Play, and follow Debbie’s clear instructions.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse!

Are you about to start a new Beachbody Fitness Program?
JUMP start that program by following the Shakeology 3 day cleanse!

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake designed to be enjoyed every day, one meal a day. But for this cleanse, it will be used three times a day for three days.

(Click Here for Shakeology Nutrition Facts and info.)

Shakeology 3 day cleanse is designed to break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way. The key is caloric efficiency; getting the most nutrients possible out of the fewest number of calories.

The Shakeology cleanse is a calorie restricted nutrient dense eating plan that lasts for 3 days. The Shakeology Cleanse should not be used for longer than 3 days or in the middle of you workout program. You should do a Shakeology Cleanse either on your recovery week or prior to starting your new fitness program. The goal here is not to lose weight even though it will probably occur but to get your body running more efficiently. You will be eating (drinking) frequently and consuming between 800 -1200 calories a day

You'll get GREAT results!

How to follow:
3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day (blended with water and ice)
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is good choice)
1 piece of fruit a day (Apple, pear, orange, banana, mango, etc)
1 salad for dinner (lettuce, veggies, lean protein)
*4 oz lean protein in salad (WHITE poultry or fish)
*Only Low Fat Dressings.

NO: Dairy (no almond, soy, or rice milk) or extra sugars.


Wake Up:

1 cup of Green Tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
Optional: ½ cup of fruit (only for the super conditioned – not the weight challenged)

1 piece of fruit

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
(This snack can be before or after dinner)

*4 oz lean protein (WHITE fish or poultry)
*Light Dressing

Positive Results

*Weight Loss

*Reduced belly bloat

*Renewed energy

*Break through plateau, boost metabolism

Possible Negative Results to be Aware of:

*Headaches or light-headedness

*Lack of energy


*No weight loss

*Measure inches instead

*Preparing your body for weight loss

If you need to modify the cleanse feel free to add a light healthy snack.

Can I still do my workouts during the Shakeology Cleanse?

*It will be different for everyone but light to moderate exercise should be fine

*You will have less energy than usual so the best time would be during a recovery week of prior to starting your program

*Try not to do the cleanse in the middle of P90X or Insanity

How do you get Shakeology?

You can get Shakeology from Beachbody Coaches like myself. Visit or

Monday, April 26, 2010

For soon to be Mommies!

Check out Yoga Booty Ballet Baby on the way.

A Healthy You for a Healthy Baby

Studies have increasingly shown the importance of a regular fitness routine during pregnancy. Not only is it good for your heart and muscles, but it can help relieve some of the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, like morning sickness, aching back, fatigue, and constipation. Some studies have even shown that being in good shape can reduce your time in labor. It can also help with weight control, so that you can keep in shape without depriving your baby of nutrition.

Yoga Booty Ballet's Teigh McDonough recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy. During her pregnancy, she used her years of fitness training and expertise to develop Baby On the Way, a workout designed specifically for expectant mothers. Using gentle, effective techniques, including yoga and stretching, Teigh helps mothers-to-be prepare their bodies and minds for the amazing experience to come.

Click the above picture for YBB Baby on the way!

WARNING: You must consult your doctor before performing this or any other workout routine. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone, and some may result in injury. Any person performing this workout assumes all responsibility or liability for any ill effects resulting from any exercises suggested. The advice and trainer instructions are in no way intended to replace or substitute medical counseling. The creators, producers, and distributors of this workout in no way assume any liability in connection with the exercises or advice given.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5 Simple Rules for Eating Sugar!

By Denis Faye
Few topics boggle dieters and fitness enthusiasts the way sugar does. Is this simple carbohydrate the key to unlocking elite sports performance? Or is it the chains that drag our country deeper into the obesity epidemic? Annoyingly, the answer is both. But before you throw your hands up in frustration and grab yourself a Twinkie®, let's take a minute to talk about sugar. It's not as complex as it seems. In fact, with just a few guidelines, it's incredibly easy to use these simple carbohydrates for good instead of evil.

Rule #1: Just say "know."

Here's a grossly oversimplified look at how sugar, also known as simple carbohydrates, works. Just as with all carbs, you eat sugar and it's absorbed by your blood, where, if you have the right amount of it, the insulin in your system converts the sugar to energy. However, if you introduce too much sugar into your system, the insulin stores it as body fat. A little stored body fat is fine; the body likes some emergency fuel. However, if your blood sugar spikes too often and the insulin has to work too hard converting fat, this can lead to a variety of health issues, including type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

As we'll discuss later, when your body obtains sugar from natural sources, like fruits and veggies, the process tends to be checked by fiber, which slows absorption. However, when you eat foods with added sugar, this can overwhelm the usual checks and balances, causing problems like those nasty blood sugar spikes. To make matters worse, consuming too much added sugar can cause a host of other problems, including tooth decay, increased triglycerides (or stored fat), and malnutrition (from overconsumption of foods filled with empty calories and deficient in nutrients).

If you wanted one overarching rule to work from, you might choose to avoid added sugars entirely. You'll get all the energy you need from foods with naturally occurring sugar. That said, there are times when refined sugar is okay or even beneficial. If you're able to build yourself a lifestyle completely free of added sugar, nice work. But for the rest of us, the trick is moderation.

Rule #2: Less is more.

One teaspoon of table sugar has 15 calories. Honestly, if you have a couple of cups of tea or coffee in the morning and you dump the proverbial spoonful of sugar in each, that's 30 calories. If the rest of your diet is tight and you're active, it won't matter. If you're trying to lose weight and eating at a severe deficit, you'll probably want to skip those few spoonfuls of sugar, because table sugar is nutritionally void and you want every calorie to count nutritionally. Other than that, though, life's short—enjoy your java.

Rule #3: High fructose corn syrup is the enemy . . .

In a recent study out of Princeton University, two groups of rats were fed a sucrose solution and a high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) solution. The rats that consumed the corn syrup got fatter. "Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity," said study leader Bart Hoebel, "but our results make it clear that this just isn't true, at least under the conditions of our tests."

There are a few possible explanations for this. One is that the ratio of fructose to glucose in HFCS is slightly higher. Another is that in the HFCS manufacturing process, fructose molecules are free and unbound, making them easier to absorb. The fructose in table sugar is bonded to the glucose, which means it requires an extra step to be used.1

Rule #3.5: . . . and it's hiding behind every corner.

And you thought Invasion of the Body Snatchers was creepy . . . Avoiding the obvious sweetened foods like soda, cake, cookies, and pies is only half the battle. Manufacturers add HFCS (as well as other sugars) to a mind-boggling amount of foods because it adds flavor. If

it's in a bottle, box, or can, read the ingredients. You'll find sweeteners in everything from ketchup to peanut butter to bread to salad dressing. With a little effort, you can usually find versions of the same food with no added sugars or HFCS that are more nutritious and taste just as good.

Rule #4: No, the sugar in fruit isn't bad for you.

When the low-carb "revolution" hit in the early aughts, fruit was demonized for its sugar content. This is, in a word, ridiculous. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar, but it's also usually loaded with fiber, which slows sugar absorption, making it an ideal way to get your simple carbs without straining your little insulin buddies. Fruit is also loaded with easy-to-absorb vitamins and minerals. Most fruit is also filled with water, yet

another benefit.

Even relatively low-fiber fruits like bananas offer far too many benefits to deny. Bananas, in particular, are rich in electrolytes, which are crucial to sports performance. As I always say, I defy you to introduce me to an overweight person whose biggest indulgence is fruit.

You can think of the ingredients in Shakeology® the same way. Sure, there's a little sugar in there, but the protein and fiber slow absorption, and the massive amount of nutrients makes it all worthwhile.

Rule #5: Occasionally, a hit of straight sugar is a good thing.

You're sitting around watching television. You haven't done much today. Your glycogen stores are up, and because you've eaten normally, your blood sugar level is balanced. Time for some Results and Recovery Formula™? Probably not.

Conversely, you just blasted a killer workout. You've blown through your blood sugar and your glycogen, leaving you shaky and tired. Now, getting some sugar in there to recharge quickly wouldn't be such a bad idea. Furthermore, since it'll rush in so fast, it's a great opportunity to add some protein and micronutrients to that sugar blast, because they'll rush into where they're needed just as fast.

If you genuinely gave the workout your all and you're truly wiped out, you won't even come close to storing that sugar as fat.

So there you go. Not so tough, huh? With a little forethought and self-control, keeping an eye on your carbs can be, ahem, a piece of cake.