Thursday, December 31, 2009

Not Bad, Not Bad.

Did Cardio Abs today. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Only 16 mins long. A lot of core work, pretty tough core work actually. The cardio at the beginning wasn't to bad, however I jumped a little to hard doing a wide tuck jump and hurt something on my inner thigh.

I walked it off though and the pain went away. lol I'll be more careful next time. I actually think I may add this DVD into my routine even when I don't have to do it. I liked it!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back on track!

So I got my power cord for the laptop. Yaay! (I'll try not to break this one).

So today I am back on track. Today's workout is Power Cardio and Cardio Abs. I have not done the Cardio Ab DVD before so I'm rather excited to see what's in store.

I also wanted to take a few seconds list some of the reasons I use and love so many Beachbody Programs. :)

1. I can get a great workout without leaving my home. I can workout in my living room at what ever time of day I choose. I do not have to waste gas to drive to a gym.

2. The workouts are pre designed. Everything is done for me and all I have to do is insert the DVD and *Push Play*. If I was to go to the gym I might run on the treadmill or do some cardio, but I never really knew if what I was doing is right. With Beachbody the science of it all is already done for me.

3. I never get bored. Each new program always keeps me motivated to workout. I have numerous DVD's to follow that will target each of my needs.

4. Beachbody programs are inexpensive. I can spend anywhere from $39-$119 depending on what one program I want and I am still spending less then what I would for a gym membership and gas to drive to the gym.

5. Each program comes with a nutrition guide that is very easy to follow. Each Program has a nutrition guide specifically for that program. The recipe's are easy to make and won't blow my budget.

6. Last but not least, I love Beachbody Programs because they work! I am rewarded with weight loss, muscle tone, flexibility, & fun!

As long as the above stays that way I will always use Beachbody Programs.

Want to see what I mean? Click the banner below, any questions feel free to ask.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Just a quick note...

My power cord broke on my laptop, so I just wanted to write a quick note and say I will hopefully be back to my blog tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pure Cardio again today!

Ok well really I did it yesterday and forgot to Blog about it. Oops. I'm not sure what is on my agenda for today. I did however notice last night while doing Pure Cardio that my flexibility is getting WAY better. I even was able to get through the warm up easier. However the 15 mins of straight drills still kicked my butt and I'm not ashamed to say so. lol I got through it and that's all that matters.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Arms feel like jello.

I just finished up cardio power and resistance. My arms feel like they are about to fall off. My soreness I had at the beginning of the workout I think has completely wore off. I'm starting to feel a lot better. Today was my second time doing Cardio Power and Resistance DVD. My push ups are starting to get a lot better. I'm seeing my arms and especially shoulders tone up a lot more then they were. I'm very proud of myself to be pushing through this. I did however almost hit pause and run to the bathroom cause I felt sick for a sec. lol But I pushed through it and for that I'm proud. I have followed the program every day and done exactly what I'm supposed to do. I can't wait to see the results! I feel so good I might go do an hour of Turbo Kick. Notice I said *might*. lol

Sunday, December 20, 2009

On todays agenda.

Today on the Insanity calendar was a rest day. However I switched my rest day to yesterday and did not do Insanity. So today I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I just finished it up. I think I did slightly better today then I did on the very first day. This being the second time doing this particular DVD. I feel pretty good. Arms are a bit shaky, but that's to be expected. Haven't looked to see what is on the calendar tomorrow, but I'm ready for it! Oh btww, I took my before pic, however I'm not posting it until I take my after pic. I might take a pic in the middle of the program though to show progress.

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Least Favorite Insanity move would have to be...

Switch kicks! I feel like screaming like Charlie Brown at the moment. Today was Pure Cardio day. It really meant PURE cardio too! Nothing but cardio piled on top of cardio piled on top of cardio. I feel amazing just to be able to get through it. My soreness is really starting to go away. I am noticeing after just this first week my arms getting more defined.

Same cardio warm up as before around 16 mins long with stretching. I really do enjoy Shaun's version of stretching. Then onto the cardio portion. The cardio portion involves numerous different moves each done for one minute straight. Non stop. Only taking breaks when you know your body needs one.

The moves that you do for one min straight are as follows:
  • Suicides (side to side)
  • Switch kicks (HATE THEM!)
  • Football sprints
  • Stance Jacks
  • Pedals (sprint, 2 lunges, sprint, 2 lunges etc. )
  • Hooks and Jump rope (hook punches, high jumps, hook punches etc)
  • Power jacks (wide lunge jacks)
  • Level 2 drills (8 push ups followed by 8 run lunges,then you jump up. HATE these as well)
  • Frog Jumps (squat position jumping forward and back)
  • Power Knees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Ski Down
  • Scissor Runs (After all the Turbo I do, these are actually a breeze)
  • Suicide Jumps (down, jump back to a push up, stand up)
  • Push up jacks (push ups with feet apart)
If that sounds easy when written you're WRONG. :) Ya know, with all that I have done and tried in the past I thought this would be a piece of cake, boy was I wrong. I haven't even looked to see what is on the agenda for tomorrow, but I can guarantee it won't be easy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thank goodness!

I got up early and did my Insanity workout today. I was actually really thrilled to do today's workout. Today's workout was Cardio Recovery, which is the one day a week I get to take a bit of a break. Although it's really not much of a break. It involves yoga, pilates, and stretching. Which felt really good. Was still 30 mins long. It involved lunges and squats which you have to hold. Which if you are not used to a lot of yoga can hurt a bit. But a good kind of hurt. I am starting to feel the soreness go away a bit. However I do start back up with the Insane cardio tomorrow. I can't wait!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cardio Power and Resistance.

I just finished up today's Insanity workout. Today was Cardio Power and Resistance. A 39 minute workout. This workout had the same warmup as yesterdays warm up. ( A kick a$$ warm up) Then it basically does numerous drills again where you do each rotation 3 times each, each time harder and then faster. Today we worked on some shoulders and triceps too. I'm in pain lets just say that. Tomorrow I'm really looking forward to Cardio Recovery. lol

To give you an idea of what I did today here is a Youtube Vid of other people doing the same workout I did today. I hope to get my own video up soon. Enjoy! :)

Quick post on the Insanity Nutrition guide.

Ok normally when I get a meal plan or a nutrition guide it can be intimidating. Usually the recipe's are either really hard to make, or the ingredients are really expensive.

The Insanity nutrition guide is neither and I absolutely love it for that fact. You are supposed to eat 5 meals a day. Those 5 meals are so easy to make and inexpensive.

For example one meal is Proatmeal: Oatmeal, protein powder, fresh berries, walnuts and a splash of skim milk. That's it! Easy and affordable.

Another example: Protein Pizza Muffin; whole grain english muffin, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, grilled chicken breast, and broccoli. Again, that's it, easy affordable, and delicious.

So I just wanted to take a sec and say how happy I am to have a great nutrition guide and give some examples of what comes with it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


For dinner tonight I used another Campbell's recipe. Soooo good. I made Polynesian pork chops.
Recipe and pic below. Just wanted to share.

4 boneless pork chops, 3/4-inch thick (about 1 pound)

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 medium onion, chopped (about 1/2 cup)

1 can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's® Condensed Golden Mushroom Soup

1/4 cup water

1 can (8 ounces) pineapple chunks, undrained

3 tablespoon soy sauce

1 tablespoon honey

2 cups hot cooked regular long-grain white rice

Sliced green onion

  • Season the pork with the garlic powder.
  • Heat the oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add the pork and cook until well browned on both sides.
  • Add the onion, soup, water, pineapple with juice, soy sauce and honey to the skillet and heat to a boil. Reduce the heat to low. Cook for 10 minutes or until the pork is cooked through. Serve the pork and sauce with the rice and sprinkle with the green onion.

calories 380
totalfat 10g
saturatedfat 2g
cholesterol 59mg
sodium 1461mg
totalcarbohydrate 46g
dietaryfiber 2g
protein 26g
vitamina 10%DV
vitaminc 12%DV
calcium 3%DV
iron 11%DV

I now know why it's called Insanity.

Cause I'm crazy for doing this. Today is day two and day one of the official workout. Yesterday being the Fit Test.

I just finished up Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Ouch! The workout is 41 mins long. (longer then I thought the first workout would be)

We start out with the warm up. Very fast warm up involving about 5 different drills done all together. I'm thinking to myself no biggie right? Wrong. I thought doing all those drills just once WAS the warm up. Nope. You then repeat them, but faster and with more intensity. Then I'm thinking ok done now let's get on with the workout. Wrong again, you then repeat the same 5 drills AGAIN even faster then the second time with even MORE intensity. THEN you get to stretch for 6 minutes. Which felt SO good.

THEN you get to start the workout, with only 25 minutes left in the workout! The Warm Up alone is 16 minutes! Sheesh!

Then for the workout you do even more sets of drills repeated at least twice with faster motions and even more intensity each time. You're on the floor, you're up in the air, your on the floor again, etc, etc, etc. My legs feel like rubber.

Let's just say, well, the pic is self explanatory.

Monday, December 14, 2009


OMG! That's pretty much all I want to say right now. lol I just finished up my fit test. If that was just the thirty minute test I'm in trouble! Although I will say I did better than what I thought I would do. You can tell after I post my stats that my numbers started to decrease because I was starting to get tired. I also had to hit pause and run to the bathroom cause I got sick. Yep I said it, I got sick. That's how intense it was. I'll say that I definitely do feel challenged but I love it! My hands are still shaky and it's a bit hard to type.

The fit test is composed of 7 exercise tests done each for one minute to see how many you can do in a minute.

Here are my beginners stats:
1. Switch Kicks-50
2. Power Jacks-56
3. Power Knees-91 (After all the Turbo I do, I had better do decent on these lol)
4. Power Jumps-46 (All I can say is ouch)
5. Globe Jumps-6 (4 rotations equals one Globe Jump)
6. Push-up Jacks 14 (my weak spot)
7. Low Plank Oblique 23

I did a lot better then I thought I would. But that was just the 30 minute test. I still have a long road ahead of me. I will be taking my before pic tonight. ( I want that free t-shirt lol) And measuring myself as well. I'm so ready to bring it! Oh wait, that's P90X. I'm ready to dig deeper! :P

Want INSANITY? Click my Beachbody Coach page to the right and challenge yourself!

New Page!

So I'm updating my page to follow one of the newest Beachbody workout programs. INSANITY! I'm about to take my fit test and will be posting my stats, weight, before and after pic and measurements. Insanity is a 60 day body transformation workout that I'm REALLY excited to start. So here I go off to take the fit test! Be back later to update!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So guess what? I gained weight. Yep. I've done so good too the past 3 years. I've only gained around 5 pounds which should be easy to take off. I'm pretty sure I know why I gained. See I just got back from my home state in TN. My beloved Grandmother passed away last week and I went to her funeral. I've been a bit of an emotional wreck. I loved my Grandmother very much and was VERY sad to see her go. So I'm not going to lie, I ate my feelings when I was in TN. I didn't care what I was eating. So now I will be starting over a bit in my weight loss. But hey, it was only 5 pounds, it could have been a heck of a lot worse right? So now I am off to do an hour of Turbo Kick and then some Chalean Extreme. RIP Grandmother I love you sooooooo much and I'll miss you. :(