Monday, December 14, 2009


OMG! That's pretty much all I want to say right now. lol I just finished up my fit test. If that was just the thirty minute test I'm in trouble! Although I will say I did better than what I thought I would do. You can tell after I post my stats that my numbers started to decrease because I was starting to get tired. I also had to hit pause and run to the bathroom cause I got sick. Yep I said it, I got sick. That's how intense it was. I'll say that I definitely do feel challenged but I love it! My hands are still shaky and it's a bit hard to type.

The fit test is composed of 7 exercise tests done each for one minute to see how many you can do in a minute.

Here are my beginners stats:
1. Switch Kicks-50
2. Power Jacks-56
3. Power Knees-91 (After all the Turbo I do, I had better do decent on these lol)
4. Power Jumps-46 (All I can say is ouch)
5. Globe Jumps-6 (4 rotations equals one Globe Jump)
6. Push-up Jacks 14 (my weak spot)
7. Low Plank Oblique 23

I did a lot better then I thought I would. But that was just the 30 minute test. I still have a long road ahead of me. I will be taking my before pic tonight. ( I want that free t-shirt lol) And measuring myself as well. I'm so ready to bring it! Oh wait, that's P90X. I'm ready to dig deeper! :P

Want INSANITY? Click my Beachbody Coach page to the right and challenge yourself!

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