Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quick post on the Insanity Nutrition guide.

Ok normally when I get a meal plan or a nutrition guide it can be intimidating. Usually the recipe's are either really hard to make, or the ingredients are really expensive.

The Insanity nutrition guide is neither and I absolutely love it for that fact. You are supposed to eat 5 meals a day. Those 5 meals are so easy to make and inexpensive.

For example one meal is Proatmeal: Oatmeal, protein powder, fresh berries, walnuts and a splash of skim milk. That's it! Easy and affordable.

Another example: Protein Pizza Muffin; whole grain english muffin, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, grilled chicken breast, and broccoli. Again, that's it, easy affordable, and delicious.

So I just wanted to take a sec and say how happy I am to have a great nutrition guide and give some examples of what comes with it.

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