Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back on track!

So I got my power cord for the laptop. Yaay! (I'll try not to break this one).

So today I am back on track. Today's workout is Power Cardio and Cardio Abs. I have not done the Cardio Ab DVD before so I'm rather excited to see what's in store.

I also wanted to take a few seconds list some of the reasons I use and love so many Beachbody Programs. :)

1. I can get a great workout without leaving my home. I can workout in my living room at what ever time of day I choose. I do not have to waste gas to drive to a gym.

2. The workouts are pre designed. Everything is done for me and all I have to do is insert the DVD and *Push Play*. If I was to go to the gym I might run on the treadmill or do some cardio, but I never really knew if what I was doing is right. With Beachbody the science of it all is already done for me.

3. I never get bored. Each new program always keeps me motivated to workout. I have numerous DVD's to follow that will target each of my needs.

4. Beachbody programs are inexpensive. I can spend anywhere from $39-$119 depending on what one program I want and I am still spending less then what I would for a gym membership and gas to drive to the gym.

5. Each program comes with a nutrition guide that is very easy to follow. Each Program has a nutrition guide specifically for that program. The recipe's are easy to make and won't blow my budget.

6. Last but not least, I love Beachbody Programs because they work! I am rewarded with weight loss, muscle tone, flexibility, & fun!

As long as the above stays that way I will always use Beachbody Programs.

Want to see what I mean? Click the banner below, any questions feel free to ask.

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