Friday, October 16, 2009

Have a Healthy Halloween!

Halloween is just around the corner. Many of you may already be stocking up on piles and piles of candy for the neighborhood trick or treaters. This time of year is when we begin our downward spiral of overindulging on sweets and high calorie foods. I'm compiling a list of ideas for Halloween candy and treats that won't blow the budget and our belts. :)

When buying Halloween candy try for some of the sugar free candies. Like sugar free gum. It's still sweet tasting and the kids rarely can tell the difference. With diabetes on the rise more companies are making more sugar free candies.

Around this time of year party supply stores and other stores such as The Dollar Tree and Family Dollar put out little treats for kids such as Halloween pencils and erasers and glow in the dark bracelets and other fun toys that you could make gift bags out of and hand out. They enjoy this just as much as candy without the weight gain.

When trick or treating so many people forget that they can also hand out juice boxes. You can buy the packs of them wrapped up and hand them out as well. Kids would love a small drink while walking around and they might not grab as much candy to eat as well.

Don't forget we have those handy little 100 calorie packs as well that come in some tasty cookie and cracker flavors. It's something sweet with not as many calories.

For parents that don't want to over indulge in the Halloween candy, buy candy you normally wouldn't eat. That way you are more prone to stay away from it.

When eating Halloween candy count the wrappers of your candy you ate. That way we see how much we are eating and don't overeat.

Lastly always remember to be safe this Halloween when trick or treating and have FUN! :)

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