Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yep, I've been bad.

So for the past two days I have not worked out. I've been really busy getting ready for Halloween and the Marine Corps Ball coming up. Plus the kiddos have had appointments to tend too. BUT...those are NO excuses. I could have still squeezed in a 30 minute cardio workout. I have nobody to blame but myself. So what I did just a little while ago was my ChaLean Extreme Lean Intervals workout. Which is Cardio, weights, cardio, weights and so on and so on for 45 mins. Have to say it's one of my favorite ChaLean extreme workouts. My favorite move being Screamers! Love em. Least favorite being mountain climbers. Bleh. But I am now back on track. Feeling pretty good so I think I'll add on a bit of Turbo Kick before bedtime. :)

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