Thursday, October 15, 2009

No More Excuses!

Well Michelle here is about to turn into a DI for just a few mins. if that is ok with everyone. But I am doing this out of love for you all. :)

So many people today make so many excuses to get out of being healthy or working out.
It's time to stop making excuses!

Number one excuse I hear, "I don't have time to workout." You don't have time to workout but most people will find time to sit in front of the tv or computer. People may think they have to spend hours on their workout and I'm here to tell you, you don't! You can take a 20-30 min workout and make it just as effective as an hour workout. When you think about 30 mins, it's really not long at all. Also something I do when watching tv, I might be watching some of my favorite shows and during commercial breaks I will do some cardio or push ups until my show comes back on.

Another excuse is, "I'm too old, or too out of shape to start a workout."
You are never too old or out of shape to get into shape! NEVER! You just have to work at it and stay committed! You can do it!

One more excuse, "I don't know what to do to get into shape."
There are soooo many programs out there that will get you to the level of health you want to achieve. You just have to find the one that is right for you and do them. Hear that? You have to DO THEM! Or you get no results.

It's time for us to STOP making excuses and get up and do what needs to be done!
You want to be around to watch your kids grow up, your grand kids, even your great grands kids!

It is possible if you just believe in yourself!

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