Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tips I use!

Tips I use.
Here are some ideas and tips I use to help maintain my weight.
1. I never eat past 7pm. If I had a nice a filling dinner then I know I got what I needed. I don't snack after 7. I will however grab a small glass of milk. It helps me to sleep and feel full.
2. If I know I just ate and a little later I feel hungry I will grab a water. A lot of the time our brain can't tell the difference between hunger cravings and drink cravings. Usually the water satisfies the craving.
3. I cut out all sodas except for a treat once in a while. Even diet soda can be just as bad.
4. I also cut out fast food. BUT...occasionally I will treat myself. I'll get a kids meal though instead of a full blown meal. Because after all it's just the taste I'm after right? Sure as heck not the nutritional value.
5. Water, water, water, water. I drink lots of it.
6. I quit buying chips, and cookies, and sweets. If It's not in my home I can't eat it right?
7. I snack on fruits and raw veggies in between meals if I absolutely need to snack.
8. If I eat cereal I eat Special Protein or some of the other Special K brands. No kids cereal for me.
9. Never starve yourself. You will only pay for it later by overeating!
10. I write down my goals or tell people my goals. If I tell someone I'm held more accountable for keeping them.

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